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Stinky big snake!!


New member
So I have to say, the bigger the snake, the bigger the messes... Bedagi aka Big Butt, a snow who's just above a pound in size, is the biggest mess maker ever. He pees like a race horse.. the urine smell if I don't change it once a week is awful..

The other guys is easy to spot clean, and do full changes every 2-3 weeks, depending a little bit on how messy.. but this guy.. stink snake!! How often do you guys have to clean yours? I can't be the only one with a mess maker..

He is lucky he is cute, he is about to shed, so he was not happy with me handling him tonight, he puffed at me.. brat.. Might have to trade him for something little and cute if he doesn't watch out.

I have a senior lizard in a 40 gallon tank, he's due to pass on any month now, (cancer and lost a lot of weight being hand fed), when he's gone Im gonna get a new 40 breeder for Big Butt so he can have some movement.. he is just too huge for that bin..

I really need to get something to measure him with so I can use serp widget and see how long he is.. he's huge..

Does anyone know what the world record is for a corn in weight and length? (without being sickly of course)

Here's the mess maker...
What a big stinker! I've looked for corn snake length records before, and unfortunately with hybridization and the possibility of intergrades being caught in the wild, it's really hard to say. Guinness no longer tracks records of pet weight because people were force feeding their animals to try and beat the record, resulting in a lot of very sick or dead dogs and cats.
Oh god... thats just sad.. :( why am i not surprised though. . He has the record in my house though of being a fat ass and stinky!
I rarely notice the smell of snake poo even from my big snakes, I just scoop it out when I see it. My Marcy is currently my heaviest snake, at 520g. She's a little chubby but not bad. Venus who I got as a retired breeder this spring had just double-clutched and was really, really skinny. She's gained back 100g to 480 but I think she will reach around 600 without being fat. She's a long snake.
I think Snow's can be prone to becoming larger than normal.
The Coral Snow Dam that produced my Red Factor Tessera clutch was around 600 or so grams, if I recall.
I have one of her daughters here now, that is over 500 grams.
Mine are all fed mice.

A few years ago, I helped rehome a pair for a local guy, and the male Snow was about 1060 grams. He fed them rats though.
As far as I have seen snows do look bigger.. but I have this guy on an xl (mouse) every 2 weeks/10 days and i weighed him today and he is down so he's just under the 1000 mark now.. but he's big and he's not fat from what I can see.. and I have had him since june I think it is.. I love him though stinky butt, he shed today.. I need to get a ruler.. mind you this is with an almost 2 months hunger strike too. I think he might drop a little more with my feeding regime, once he gets a bigger tank I think some more will go too. But I suspect he will be at the range of 800-900 for life.. he's like me, big boned.. I sorta wish I had a female snow who was big and I could create giant babies and make giant corns!
He doesn't look fat at all to me. My Rigby who is a snow too is fairly big but he starves the heck out of himself every spring then spends the rest of the year gaining it back, so he doesn't get as heavy as Marcy.
lol Thank you girl.... Well here he is.. and I thought he was almost 5 feet.. now Im sad.. he's short... I might have to measure with a more fluid tool on the snake..

Wow! He's still a pretty big guy though. Is he on aspen? I use paper towels (a layered stack of folder paper towels about 1/2 inch tall) and when my snake uses the bathroom, I cut that half of the paper towel stack out and replace it. If he pees a lot, its possible when spot cleaning aspen you don't get it all.

Pretty handsome guy though!
I keep my Colubrids in Aspen as well, and my Morelia are on Cypress mulch.
Hatchlings are on paper towels until they get moved up to a bigger enclosure.

They love to burrow in the Aspen, don't they? :)
Thank you guys, and yes he is on aspen, and he clearly pees a lot.. Whenever I open the bin to clean there is a whiff of amonia, and I have to clean it all at least once a week or it gets too strong.. it can't be good for his much more sensitive airways..

Then i have other snakes that pottys in a corner.. good snakey!
My smallest adult male dilute anery motley stripe (who is 4 years old) is the messiest and smelliest snake that I have. He's the size of a 1.5-2 yr old snake. I want to say he's only around 275, maybe 300g. My largest boy around 520g, 4 yrs old is the cleanest. He poops in corners. Lol