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strange dream


New member
I realize that this is a dumb thread to start and it is just taking space up but I think it is fairly interesting.

Last night I had this really real dream that I was at my favorite pet store (which specilize in reptiles) and I was trying to buy a snake because right now (in real life) i really want a cornsnake. There were no snakes at all except this one very very large snake in a tubaware and I cant remember what I called it but it wasnt a real snake. But with some more searching I found a small tank filled with a jevineulle ball python, a grass python (not a real snake, just my weird imagination), and a amel. cornsnake. I wanted the ball python but then I remembered how fat they got so then I wanted the grass python but it was very very mean. I didnt want the amel. because i think they look funny. So I kept looking throughout the store and found another similar tank with an anery which I really liked but my dad wouldnt let me buy it.

this is one of the weirdest dreams I have ever had with snakes but I have definitly had much weirder.
dreams ...

I actually have had 2 dreams this week where my babies got loose. I spend the entire dream frantic, looking for them, and finally do and put them back in their safe viv.

It's been a little disturbing, but I hope it is only paranoia, as my babies have not escaped yet ( ::knocks on wood:: )
It must be the phase of the moon or something because I had a weird snake dream this week also. In my dream, one of my most expensive and favorite breeders had excaped. After looking all over, I found him starting to crawl out of a hole in the wall (were there really isn't a hole in real life). I got hold of him and pulled him out the rest of the way. Suddenly, another of my breeders came through the hole, then another, and another, and another...
I started to panic since I couldn't keep hold of all these squirming snakes and continue to get hold of more. Magically, a container appeared which I tried to put all the snakes into, but that wasn't easy either since they all kept trying to climb out of it before I could put the lid on...and they were still coming out of the wall! At about that time, I woke up...looked at the clock...2:14 AM, and went to double check all 70 plus snakes to make sure they were all accounted for. All present but giving me dirty looks about turning the lights on at such an unGodly hour!
LOL, I've had dreams like that. A snake really was missing, and I had a few snake dreams in that time. I'd be looking for her, and I'd find a snake that looked kind of like her. I'd grab the snake to look more closely and see if it was mine, but then I'd see another snake that looked like her. Pretty soon there were tons of snakes around and I was trying to sort through them, looking for my missing one. But there were so many that I lost track. I had my hands full of squirmy little snakes, and I was getting frustrated because none of them was quite like the one I was looking for. :mad:

Funny that during the dream I never thought it was odd that I had hundreds of snakes crawling loose around my house.
I keep having nightmares where either Akasha (my snake) gets washed down the sink ( shes ony 7 months) or she gets hurt and i wake up and have to check she is ok!
I had a dream that I was in a pit teeming with snakes and they thought I was there master and they were talking to me!!! LOL:D
once in a while i have an illsion that my cage is open and the snakes are out then i get up in a and look ay my cage and they ae all out crawlen around. scares me some times.