I am breeding them to get more, obviously, because I love my snakes and I don't mind having a large collection. I also plan on taking my extra babies to reptile swaps to trade for other colors (which I've done before, and it worked well). My snakes are all very very spoiled and well taken care of, and my female only breeds if she's at a good weight. Otherwise she waits until the following year. But I think as long as you know how to properly care for them and how to breed them correctly, there isn't a problem with it. I have the money if a problem were to arise to get my female to a vet (incase of egg binding and such). Eventually, once I have all the genetics down, I want to open up my own business breeding corns. They are such beautiful snakes, and I think more people should experience owning these wonderful animals. I generally only keep one of each color/morph when babies are produced. Once a while I'll hold on to two of the same color. They are just such amazing animals, and I can't get enough of them. =) If that answers your question. I have some genetic knowledge on them, however I'm always willing to learn more. I studied zoology for a year, and plan on going back into that as soon as I finish my business degree. I would love to open my own business in breeding corns someday, so that's my long term goal. I also take my corns to different reptile shows to show them off. I just love all my corns! =) (I think my fiancee thinks I'm crazy for wanting so many, but you only get what you can properly care for. Once it gets to be too much, you don't take on anymore. That's just the moral thing to do.) Some people get rid of their collection after breeding for a few years. I never see that happening. My corns are like my kids. I'd do anything for them to make sure they are well taken care of, and that they live a long healthy life.