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Strikeing corns?


When they bite does it hurt? i have yet to be bit by my little big homie just wanted to know if it hurts when they bite?
Their teeth are like tiny little needles. It pricks thats all. The trick is not to pull back if you get bitten because, since the teeth are pointing backwards, you may pull them out.
It feel like a plaster (band aid) being pulled off quickly so no not really, even the aduld's that bite ocasionally (most never do but their's an odd 1 that might) wont draw blood.
you know the old...

tuberculosis test? the four or five really thin prongs that would be stuck into your forearm? it feels like that (at least when bit by a hatchling), it's nearly painless, if you pull away while the fangs are in you, which is what i instinctually did, you may tear the flesh a little more and as a result draw blood. it's important to try not to pull away fast because you might take their teeth out if you aren't quick enough.

they rarely bite. the other day i fed one of my snakes and immediately went to take the other one out of his enclosure to feed him, too...my hand was half way in and i realized..."i just handled a mouse." i put the lid back on and washed my hands. if they smell food on you they will be more likely to tag you. if you feed them in the enclosure they live in they may confuse your hand for food and tag you.
Good practice to learn is to wash your hands before you go to handling your snake. I ALWAYS go into the bathroom and wash my hands with the same soap each time before I handle one of my snakes. It doesn't take long to do plus helps insure you wont get tagged for no reason.
A while back I took a hit from a large 5' male.
Don't know why he bit, had him outside just walking around
His teeth left 2 large U shaped marks, but even this didn't really hurt
Didn't even realize he was biting at first.
Like the others said the worst thing you can do is jerk away.
also you could do too fast a movment or the snake may think you are a threat (i learned this the hard way) lol
just always keep your hand above the snakes head with your palm facing down so even if it does tag you it wont hurt :santa:

ps no a corn snake wont hurt
but a hungry boa will (ouch) (also learnt the hard way) hehehe
I have one that strikes all the time at me, don't know why, she used to be really handable, she seem to turn suddenly, she doesnt actually open her mouth tho just hits its quite comical really, she rattles her tail and hisses, she is a real grumpy one lately.

The one in my avatar.
I had a little 3 week old hatchling attach itself to the side of my finger when I was inspecting her at a show. She chewed and fought and put her soul into that battle and I walked away with the minutest little scratch that didn't even draw blood. It actually took a second to notice the 6 gram featherweight chewing on me...I didn't buy her all the same and figured I'd be better off starting with one with a nicer attitude! I've never been bitten by any bigger corns...but if a python attatches itself to you...you know about it quick smart!!
Glad someone had brought up a thread abut biting as I've been wanting to ask a question on this for a while now.

What should one do if bitten? Will the snake hang on, do we just wait until it releases us? I have read before (not on this forum) about submerging the snake's head in water to force it to let go so it can breathe, but this seems a little extreme and not at all nice.
Most corn bites are quick, strike and release.
Unless it's a feeding response where it has mistaken you for a mouse.
A little alcohol on the head will usually do the trick, unless of course it's Marcel's Bloodred! LOL
Naeris, the underwater thing does work but should only be a very last resort, because of the chance of drowning, If i get taged i usually just touch the snake about an inch below the head and it usually lets go streaght away and wip's round to see what touched it.