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So i've had my corn for abotu a week and a half. It was fed recently after i bought her, so there was no need to feed her for a couple days. I let her settle in to her new surroundings and didnt attempt to hold her or pick her up for 2 days. she started to come out of hinding after that so i started to hold her once a day for about 30min each tim to start trying tame her and get her use to being held.

well i fed her sunday night in a seprate container. then about 20min later put her back in her tank. I havnt attemped to hold her since last night. and she hadnt come out from hiding under the wood chips since i fed her. So i uncover her like I usually have to and go to pick her up and she turns arround and tries to bite me. I was kind of shocked since she had never had tried to before. so i tried again, just slower and allowed her to see my hand this time and she did the exact same thing.

My question is, should i still try to hold her if she continues to do this? or just let her be if she tries to strike at me again... I hate for this to become a habbbit and i will eveutally need to pick her up to feed her. So i just dont know what to do. Also is it possible for them to bite you (actually penitrate the skin) or should i not worry about it?
generally after i feed my corn i wont touch him for a couple days, let him digest the food somewhat. now from my understanding and what ive learned reading and talking to people, it takes alot of energy for a snake to eat meaning it has to have some time to recoop, which is why you should give it a couple days after a feeding before pickig it up. mine snapped at me once when i tried to take a mouse out of his water bowl but that was the only time and he had good reason to.

more or less after a shedding or feeding its best to give them a couple days. also when theyre ready to shed they have a layer of skin over their eyes and you need to be careful when trying to handle them as they cant see you as good.

hope all that info is right and i hope it helps you out
wait 48 hours after feeding before you handle them. My Mowgli is the sweetest thing unless she has just eaten. She will strike at anything that moves.

If it has been 48 hours after your snake has eaten and he/she is not in shed, then just reach in and pick it up right around it's middle. I don't really give mine the chance to look at what I am or what I smell like, I think that scares them more.

Once they are in my hands, they are happy to be out and explore. Many snakes don't like the actual act of being picked up. But once they are in your hands, they don't care and seem to enjoy it.
i find that with mine to avoid the chance of being bitten, ill rech in from the side so he knows im coming in but ill be sure to make contact with him first, i find he doesnt try to scurry off or anything this way. i also find mine tries to go back to his tank for the first little bit but then calms down. funny thing is after hes been out for a while he doesnt want to go back to the tank, lol
A young corn snake's teeth will leave the barest of scratches, like velcro being rubbed on your skin. I'd say leave for 48 hours after feeding, then you can handle the snake. When you handle your snake don't 'reward' it by returning it to the cage if it acts badly. If you get bit, try not to jump, either let it come of on its own, or if it hurts, then run cold water over the snake's head until it lets go.
they will think your hand may be food, i put a glove on after feeding to reeturns my snakes to their viv, they dont like the taste of it, i use a leather glove, that way, as soon as she bites she jolts back, keep handleling your snake, they will get usedto it and stop striking
well, I'm not an expert
when I feed my snake, I give him the mice, then go wash my hands (if anyone is around to keep an eye on him) come back , wait till he starts cruising around and tries to get out of his feedingbox and then pick him up and put him right back in his viv..
If no one is around I just feed him the mice with tweasers..
And he has never striked me (yet ;) )..
I hope this helps..
I've had my little sunkissed male for well over two months. I actually give all my snakes 72 hours after a meal before I hold them, but this guy gets handled enough. He bites, usually at least twice, EVERY SINGLE TIME I take him from his tub. He's drawn blood a few times, but of course, it doesn't hurt in the least. I usually avert my eyes when I go to grab him, so I'm only seeing him in my peripheral vision. This way I'm less likely to jerk my hand away and possibly hurt him. It also lets him know that I'm the boss (not that he cares). After he's out, he rattles his tail in my hand for a few minutes. After he's done with that, he's as mellow to handle as any corn. :shrugs:

Some of these guys are just very nervous. Every other aggressive hatchling I've ever had grew out of it. This guy's just taking a little longer. Be patient with your snake too. Good luck. :)
My question is, should i still try to hold her if she continues to do this? or just let her be if she tries to strike at me again...

I am no expert but I have been told that if they bite just ignore it and keep holding them. If you feed into the strike, put down they may learn this is how they get thier way.
Mine did the same thing to me on the first day I got him. I lifted up his hide and he struck at me. I waited a little while and he struck again, so I left him alone. The next day he was fine and never struck at me again.

I think I could be that your corn is taking a while to get used to his new surroundings.

Give it some time and he should calm down. :cheers:
Yes, keep handling your corn, even if he strikes at you. If you don't handle him, he won't get used to it. I recommend, though, that you cut your handling sessions back to 10 minutes a day for a few days, then gradually increase the time to 30 minutes. Handling hatchlings too much is really stressful on them.
there are two types of bite a snake can give you:1.a feeding bite. or 2.a defensive bite.A feeding bite is when your snake thinks you are food,if he gets hold he'll latch on and try to constrict your arm or hand.if he does this just run cold water over him.he'll let go straight away!A defensive bite is when your snake will bite but then let go straight away,the best way to get round this,i've found is,when you go to get him out,gently slide your hand underneath him and lift because if your hand is coming in above him he may feel threatened.your hand is also a lot bigger,and theres no escape for him,so he'll probably feel cornered and you need to alter your approach when you go to get him out.
I would not worry about it. Corns are not very aggressive and usually do not bite. JUst hold him/her frequently enought for him/her to get used to you and it'll calm down.
after vincents eyes had cleared up he was extremely violent towards us... probably because we just got him and he was in the blue 4 days after we got him home.

but 2 days later he shed his skin and hes ok... its a bit of a scare though he was acting so strange... that was also the night tallulah went missing, because of his behaviour we though he had ate her :(
Tula_Montage said:
after vincents eyes had cleared up he was extremely violent towards us... probably because we just got him and he was in the blue 4 days after we got him home.

but 2 days later he shed his skin and hes ok... its a bit of a scare though he was acting so strange... that was also the night tallulah went missing, because of his behaviour we though he had ate her :(
If he had eatern her, you would have seen a very big and bulge in your other corn and the bulges would be along the entire front half of him. You would definately know that a snake was inseide of him.

I think some people on here have pics of a snake that has just eaten another snake...
yeah i have seen pictures i knew it was impossible but it crossed my mind because i thought it was impossible for tallulah to fit through the tiny space between the sliding doors... just goes to show how much we underestimate these reptiles
Tula_Montage said:
yeah i have seen pictures i knew it was impossible but it crossed my mind because i thought it was impossible for tallulah to fit through the tiny space between the sliding doors... just goes to show how much we underestimate these reptiles
People always forget about the crack in the doors with the little snakes. Did you find her right away?
no it was late at night... but we found her the next morning after ruling out that it was impossible that vincent ate her. she hadnt gone far, just in the drawer below where the tank is :)