New member
Ok so before you ask how I got my snake on rat pinks accidently I will tell you. So I was at a pet store buying some pinky mice for my snakes and I also picked up some rat pinkies for my lizards. The guy went in the back and came back with a stapled bag I paid and left. When I was driving home I heard some noise in the bag. Sure enough I have a bag full of live rat and mouse pinks. Well I thought nothing of it. I went home and froze them. After I feed off all the pinkies he stoped eating pinkies from anywhere else, so i thought that it got scented with rat pinkie and thats why it wouldnt eat any mice since its been almost 2 weeks. So I found the smallest rat pink and sure enough he ate it......I feel riduculouly stupid right now and I feel awful. Any idea on how to get him back on mice?