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Substrate question


New member
Hi there, a quick question about substrate (you guys must be tired of these lol)

I know the most common answers are always aspen and or newspaper/paper towel etc. Where I stay I cannot find any suppliers of aspen(believe it, it's true) and I don't like using newspaper and such (basically I don't like the look of it). I have been using the corn cob style substrate from the start without any issues, I do not feed in the enclosure so the risk of ingesting is not that great.

I was wondering if you guys and especially my fellow south Africans could share a few ideas about alternative options? My main reasons for wanting to change is firstly, the corn cob style bedding tends to get moldy if there is too much moisture in the cage or she does the business in some hidden corner, which I luckily have not had many issues with, and secondly my girl is always looking to burrow which is not possible with this style bedding.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any replies / tips


Stodels have a bark substrate that we have been using for two/three months now, with no side effects. Tequila and Whisper love burrowing in it.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
Not sure who Stodels are :) , but do you mean the bark used in gardening?
Our local gardening stores sells the moss and stuff, so maybe I could have a look there.
Thanks Dragonling, I will have a look into that as well when their website is up again.

That was a concern I had Daddio, could have quite a lot of little critters in it as well, but I do think it would look rather nice, especially against my wild type corns colors. So i am def off to the garden store this weekend