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Sudden Deaths, seeking help


Corny Snake woman
I lost my Normal last week and my Strawberry snow yesterday (my first snake had since Dec 4th). Both were eating normal, pooping, shedding and everything. I went to check on their water for the night and found them both the same way. I'm really upset about this, and am not sure what went on. They were fine in the morning, I went out for the day and by night time they were both gone. My other 4 snakes got their habitats cleaned with new aspen after the first finding.

Both snakes were babies, the Normal about 7months and the Snow was 6months.

Does anyone have an Idea or any advice for me? I did find another thread about this here but it was a couple years old so I don't know if there might be new reasons for this since then. Thank you kindly for any advice you may have for me, I welcome it with open arms.
One I got from my local breeder, I'm gonna be visiting with her today and seeing if she has any clues on this as well. The other I got from another guy in FL who shipped it to me, he's a guy I'm never buying from again as I don't care much for his customer service.
One thing to do, before buying from anyone. Look for them on the BOI. You can also post reports on the people for others in the future to find when they are looking into the same people...

Did you get them at the same time? If so, how are your quarantine procedures?
Nope, the snow was my only snake for about 2months got the other one in Feb. I put the snow into his new home and moved him, and put the normal into a critter keeper and housed it in a different room for a few weeks. So between early and mid march it came back into my room.
I am sorry for your losses, I would get a necro done on them to rule out any contagious diseases or pathogens. Such as crypto. Also if you plan on getting more snakes in the future I would soak both containers in an amonia solution. The faster a necro is done the more likely it can tell you something.
If you do decide to get more down the road let me know and I can help you out. I lost babies in a simular fashion last year and I know how painful it is.
I am planning on getting more, probably after I move. I've never got a Necro done on any critter before, would I just take them to my local vet to get one done?

I'll remember that, I was going to wash them out and soak them in a bleach like solution while doing the same with the water bowls and hides, i'll do the Amonia. I have both containers away from my other snakes and havn't put the hides or water bowls in any other habitats as well.

Thanks for the input on the cleaning.
Some vets can do it, you would have to find a reptile vet though. Or one that can send them out to have it done. Best of luck with it.
Also, if you do plan to have them necropsied, DON'T freeze them! Only put them in the fridge. Freezing destroys the tissues.
are you using any air fresheners, perfumes, or scented products of any kind (including those labeled "unscented")?
have you switched substrates recently?
what do you clean your vivs with?
Was any cleaning product in use in your household that day?
Do you have a bug spray person apply product in your home?
-No but my landlord and her daughter are obsessed with the stinky stuff (Perfume), most I use is some Axe but that's always outside. I don't like a lingering smell.
-Always been the same substrate, Aspen Snake bedding.
-I clean my Vivs with a pawsafe organic all purp cleaner, then after cleaning it I let it sit then wash it with water and dry it again to be certain all of it is off.
Here are the some things I would suspect: Contaminate water, Poison inhalation, contaminated feeder mice, or some kind-of overheating event due to unregulated heating device.

Just some things to consider....:shrugs:

From what I was able to gather from talking to others, it appears to have been the over use of perfume that wafted up through the hole in the floor between the 1st and 2nd which is near the landlord's bathroom and its where she applies it. Ive started opening the window when I start to smell the perfume and it seems to have been working.

I use spring water for the corns, I buy it for my betas when I change the tank so I don't have to mess around with clearing out the Chlorine and I normally have left over so they get it. Don't think its the feeder mice as they all are feed on the same day with mice from the bag, thawed the same way at the same time. I check each mouse for discoloration before feeding as well.

I'm waiting on the results of the necro right now but from what I hear it's probably the over use of perfume... makes me glad I'm moving next week so they wont have to deal with it anymore (I'm happy I don't have to as well).

Thank you for your help I'll let you know what comes back on the necro.