They are different things.
Coral Albino is a line of Albinos exhibiting intense oranges and as they mature, the red/orange pigment spreads and is not restricted to the saddles as it is with most Albino boas.
Here's a pic of a good quality coral: 002.jpg
I have heard that the coral trait is related to the Pink Panther gene, but I am unsure of the exact mechanics- regardless, that's how a coral looks.
Sunglow is a term refereed to Phenotype of a Boa that is homozygous -T Albino(Either Kahl or Sharp strains) -and- het or homozygous to the Salmon/Hypo trait- the Salmon/Hypo intensifies the oranges and reds to a degree that when the snake becomes older, unlike most albinos, the oranges and reds remain almost as intense as they were when the animal was young.
Usually, as adults, albinos turn to a faint shade of yellow, with very little orange- the added gene strengthens those pigments, creating a better looking animal.
adult albino: Albino Female.jpg
There are two strains of albino- sharp and kahl... kahls are usually more prone to having a faded, almost white background and intense reds and oranges(as subglows, allot of people prefer kahls). Sharps have a more solid yellow background, and very nice oranges- as albinos, these tend to look better and less faded as adults.