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sunkissed blood


New member
the first sunkissed blood is out of the egg:dancer:

nice one holger,

you spent much of work in your projects, you did all this stuff alone and without help, you raised their grandparents up and produced the f1 years ago by yourself, now it's time to reap the fruit of your labour!! I'm really glad with you and if somebody deserves it than you!

again, huge congrats and kudos for your patience!!
Congratulations! I hope we will see updates on the little one, I am really interested in seeing how this develops :)
That head pattern in awesome! Is this a first, or do we know what it will look like as an adult?

I wonder how much of the pattern with remain because of the bloodred influence? And will it be a darker red than the usual orange sunkissed. How exciting to see what happens. Congrats!!!
OK..That's it! I'm moving across the pond!

Stunning snake! Wish I had one or two of those. Congrats!!
Congratulations! That is one awesome looking snake! I think I'm moving in with Becky!
Very cool looking. Be sure to update after it's first shed. Thank you for sharing the pics

So envious!! that is going to be a smokin hot snake! It jams now, wait a few sheds and I hope you will show us more of it as it gets on!
Amazing head pattern! Please post progression pictures -- I would love to see how this one develops.
thanks to al :spinner: specially to stephan!

after the first shed i show the next pictures....,i promise:dancer:
Very cool snake! :D Between the two genes both messing with the head pattern it sure came out cool!