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T+ albino cornsnakes


New member
I've never really posted these anywhere, as I took these specificly for the person who works with/produced these, but I lost his contact info. Maybe he'll see them here by some chance.

Definatly interesting corns.. Like a cross of hypo and amel. Light brown borders, dark rubey eyes, but definatly amel. Bright red saddles, white-ish background. He supposedly bought the adult group of these from someone who had had them for quite a while... I think both of said parties are kind of recluses, as you don't see or hear anything about these on the net all that often. At least I haven't heard anything. lol.

I met the person at a local expo, and I was the only one to stop and actually go "woah, wait a second...". lol. You don't expect to see something like these at our tiny little local expo. He also had an adult female T- albino chinese beauty. I was flabbergasted. We agreed that if I produced any T+ amel taenuira next spring when mine are old enough, we'd trade offspring(amel taenuira for T+ corn group). I hope I find this guy again! LOL

<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/44409T+AlbinoCornsnakeComparison2.jpg>

<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/44409T+AlbinoCornsnakeComparison.jpg>

<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/44409T+albinocornsnakehead2.jpg>

<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/44409T+albinocornsnakehead3.jpg>

<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/44409T+albinocornsnakehead.jpg>

Very cool snakes! Dave from Treacher's Creatures is the one who produces those. He's at the show every year, so it shouldn't be hard to find him next October. I think he might actually live in California. Unfortunately, I don't have any contact info for him, and I can't remember his last name at the moment. If I think of it, I'll email you. I'm sure I'll have one of those "That's it!" moments in the middle of the night, and will have forgotten it again by morning. :rolleyes:

Last year or the year before we compared the T+ albino to my hypo Okeetees (who also have the greyish-purple borders instead of black), and agreed they were totally different! I don't know much about tyrosine and its effects, so I'm lost on the whole T+/T- thing, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that they aren't true amels. I could have mis-remembered though (is that a word?!)

Anyway, he was originally selling them (1 or 2 years ago) for $400 each. I assume they've come down a bit since then?

Thanks for the photos!
Yeah I remembered "Treachers Creatures", but I think thats actually his friend that was selling the sand boas, Warren Treacher. I believe Dave just kinda buddies up with him at shows. Thats the impression I got when gathering contact info.

I agree that they're totally not a hypo. Theres a thing on VPI's site about the effects of tyronese and all sorts of pattern/color junk. Its worth reading, pretty cool and informative.

Yeah, i think they were 250 or something at NWCB... I should of traded my ridleyi for the T+ corns instead of the snow and anery het snow sand boas. MAN I wish i hadn't had to sell those kenyans. *cries* lol.
Unusual and neat looking snake. I'm interested to see an adult.

cornsnakemorphs.com is working with them, and has a few pictures under its future projects section.
I think Dave is a friend of Doug and Jeff of The Lazy Slither Ranch. I may be able to get contact info from them.
For those who were asking, "albino" means reduced or absent pigment, of course. In this case it's referring to the black pigment melanin.

"T+" means it produces Tyrosinase. This is a protein that allows Tyrosine to be chained together which is how melanin is made.

If Tyrosinase is not present ("Tyrosinase negative") then no (or very little) melanin is made, and you get an albino. If Tyrosinase is present but something else affects the melanin production (like in hypo, sunkissed, and Lava corns) you get less or very little melanin, and it's also an albino, but it's "Tyrosinase positive," or T+.

I saw T+ hatchling corns at the Tinley Park show, and they looked to me like what I'd expect as hatchlings from the Ultrahypo and/or Lava lines, from what I've seen. They definitely don't look like other hypos I've seen or hatched.

It would be interesting to see the results of T+ crossed to the other hypo lines. Has anyone done that yet? One of these years one of these new things is gonna be an allele to something. (In mice the "agouti" locus has 7 alleles, and the "albino" locus has 4... fun!)
Well, I looked at the photos and they look an awfully lot like some of the Hypos I have produced here and there. Anyone have any photos of full adults?

So here's a question: Where is the dividing line between Hypomelanism and Amelanism?

Back when I was working with amelanistic black rat snakes, initially one variety (I forget of it was T+ or T- ) was known as the "white phase" and the other as the "red phase", since they were distinctly different looking in appearance. However, over time, that rule got thrown out the window and both varieties were indistinguishable based simply on appearance. I have long since lost track of developments with the black rat snakes, so I have no idea whether one line has predominated over the other or if it is a crap shoot concerning which line you would be working with.