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Tabasco in the Flowers


Digger, RN
So with the bougainvillea in full bloom (and my eyes crossing from massive amounts of reading), I decided to take advantage of the setting sun's light with a few photos. No one looks better on this plant than Tabasco, my step-son's Amel. Unfortunately, he's getting close to blue and the light faded a bit too quickly which made him blend in with the pink just a bit too much. I did get a couple of "ok" shots though. Since I haven't posted a Corn pic in, oh... forever, I thought I'd share.

That was a nice little reprieve... now to hit the books again :headbang: :blowhead:



Great pics! But I'm jealous, you have real flowers in bloom! I had to make do with a vase of carved wooden roses for my guys yesterday :(
Great pictures. And I love your snake's name! Great choice. I need so flowers in the garden, too, just for my snakes!
Great pics, Catherine! Tabasco is such a cute amel!!

I also had some tiny yellow flowers blooming on one of our trees... but my VBB (and all 4+ feet of her) broke the branch she was on!!!! LOL.
Thanks all! I definitely love the bougainvillea, but there are only so many snakes I can put on it. I wish I could put my albino burm Aurelia on it, but I think she would snap the branches as easy as Fred's VBB.

Oh and I didn't think of the name... the little one did. Can you tell that we have a stockpile of Tabasco hot sauce in the house? ;)