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tap VS. bottle


New member
So someone asked me if I am going to use bottled water for my snake to drink. I shamelessly didn't even think of what kind of water I was going to use. I just thought I would use tap water...

My cats, dogs, horses every other animal I own just gets tap water. But I was reading some threads and people only use bottled/filtered water. I just want to hear everyone's opinions on this.
TAP!! I don't feel the need to drink bottled water myself; I sure as hell don't want to give it to my pets :). I have watered an orchid with bottled water, but that was went I lived in an area with crappy water and it was killing the plant, lol. But no, seriously, if the tap water is good enough for you, your corn snake will thrive wonderfully off of it.
I agree. If you trust your home water source, then it's fine for your snakes. If you're worried about added chemicals, just run some off into a bowl and leave it overnight before offering it - the (traces of) chemicals will evaporate. I've never felt the need to do that and my gang are fine on it.
Bitsy is right. I run a pitcher of tap water and let it sit over night before I fill bowls with it.

Or sometimes I don't even bother and fill the bowls right away.

One of my corns was over 18 when she passed and had tap water her entire life, I don't see where it would cause any problems.
So leaving it over night will be a good idea anyways cause then it will be room temp and anything that would be in the water would be gone anyways....
So leaving it over night will be a good idea anyways cause then it will be room temp and anything that would be in the water would be gone anyways....

Yeppers. I just keep a pitcher like this around----->


I use it and refill it each night.
ok, I feel better. That person made me feel like crap cause I wasn't giving bottled water :p

lol! I imagine this person providing only Figi water to their snakes and likening anything else to sewage.

But seriously, we're very lucky to have access to clean drinking water in the US. It even has fluoride in it to prevent cavities! (Which I'm sure the snakes really appreciate).

Leaving it out sounds like a good idea, but I'll be honest, I don't bother to do that either. If I lived in my old apartment where the water was disgusting, I would consider it. Since my snake doesn't come out during the day, I'm going to assume most of the chemicals have evaporated out by the time he drinks. Hopefully not the fluoride. I take pride in my snakes smile. :licklips:
The Chlorine dissipates rather quickly - 10 to 15 minutes. Just put it in the bowl, straight from the tap.

If your local municipality uses chloramine, it will take much longer.
Here in Texas, we have the worst tap! I wouldn't drink that stuff! I don't know how it is where you live though. If you really want to know,you can by reptile water purifiers. A drop per cup takes out all harsh chemicals from tap and it is less expensive than buying bottled.
personally i use bottled but that's only because that's all I've ever given to my pets. my mother's cat is very picky and wont drink anything other than bottled water and my gf buys the bottled water for her fish tank but doesn't often use it for months. so more or less I get it for free.
personally i use bottled but that's only because that's all I've ever given to my pets. my mother's cat is very picky and wont drink anything other than bottled water and my gf buys the bottled water for her fish tank but doesn't often use it for months. so more or less I get it for free.

My cat will only drink toilet water or occasionally water in a human drinking glass that is freshly poured (and that I'm about to drink!) She refuses to drink water from a bowel. She likes toilet water the most after the toilet has just been flushed. Not even kidding. We find her paw prints all over the toilet and it's pretty hysterical.

I've read that there's something chemical to cats finickiness of water, but I forget exactly what it entailed.
haha her cat used to do that when she was a kitten. there were occasions we would walk in the bathroom and find that she had slipped into the toilet bowl and couldn't get out lol.

I've heard that too but i never really bothered to research it. there were also occasions, when she was an indoor/outdoor cat, that she would only drink from a creek behind our house.
I heard toilet water is safer than sink water when it comes to germs because of decomposing food lol