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Teagan - 09 Lavender


New member
My boyfriend picked up this little guy from Rebecca (Triple-R-Corns) at the local reptile show a couple weeks ago. This is a big step as he wouldn't even come into my room where I had my snake tanks when we started seeing each other 6 years ago. Rebecca had to clean him off as he had poop on his head when she took him out :rolleyes: When my bf held him up to his face he stretched out and rested his chin on my bf's nose which sealed the deal. He's unbelievably calm; my grandma even held him this weekend. We love his ruby eyes and blushed cheeks and are looking forward to seeing how his colour develops. Anyway, here's some photos of our little guy (1st pic's by Rebecca).



Cute little guy! Love the name...I have a Teagan too, although mine is a little girl (bloodred).