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tessera bellies??

Thank you, I was looking at those.. My tessera almost looks like she is based off on a stripe and only have small checkers far out on the sides so I wondered if masque was involved there but not sure..
I don't know, but I think masque is not involved. The head of tesseras doesn't look masque, as in bloodreds. Both traits are dominant though, maybe your snake has some extra genes there.
it's one of Rich's snakes so wouldn't surprise me... she has a plain belly so far (young may just not be able to see the belly scales) but I see small ones on the side...
she's very special looking (to me at least).. lol
I think tessera bellies can be all over the place. Both my tesseras have heavily checkered bellies. Moreso than any of my other snakes.
I dont have any super good pics of her... I will see if I can take a few in a bit after I am done with work... Hypnoctopus, well that is what I am wondering.. this girl has a bit off pattern though and almost that pale look the masque tend to have on the other hand she's a pewter.. So god knows.. my lavender showed up having the masque trait the one where we couldn't figure out what he was.. NOW belly checkers is showing (they were so pale I couldn't see them at first). And he's masqued..
ROFLMAO I am an idiot.. so I couldn't remember where I posted her.. and I found the thread.. and someone had pointed out there that she's masqued and I couldn't figure out how he knew she was (didn't post belly shot).. and now I am figuring it out. hello, how slow am I and how bad is my memory!!!!! ./facepalm double up for severe blonde moment...
Tessera belly patterns are all over the place, it tends to affect them in unpredictable ways. Some of my Tesseras are heavily checked, others are nearly clear but for a few random checks here and there and others are almost clear on the upper part of the snake but the bottom half is merged into a thick black stripe down the middle of the snake's belly.