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Tetra and Ozzy!(Pic heavy)


New member
Welp, people have been asking so I finally got the camera out and gave Tetra some attention. They're not Photographer quality, but they show you all the things this crazy little vine snake gets into!

Oh, hello there.

Checkin' out my trash can!

And my laptop and cat.

And my wall.

And the rip in her cage....(which has been fixed!)

Go away, mom....

Then here's a couple of my favorite Spider, Ozzy! <3

First time on the carpet lol

Back to the safety of my hand lol

Jeans?! What is this!?

Ahhh, back on my rock!

And there's my creepy crawly babies! Thanks for lookin' ;]
Absoluutely in love with the vine snake. My oldest son keeps researching and sneding me articles on tarantulas... may have to look more into that as well.

Everyone loves Tetra, Kate! Lol

And Ozzy is actually really chill about being handled. As a Pink Toe, he's pretty quick and can jump and that's kind of hard to get used to, but after a while he calms down and will just hang out on my shoulder. He's always willing to climb up onto my hand (after a little coaxing, of course) and I'm totally 100% comfortable with him. As my first tarantula, I'm very glad to say he's given these spiders a great rating with me lol
lol I am kind of considering getting one to help get me over my problem with spiders XD
I appreciate their beauty, but once they are inside, or demonstrate a superb jumping ability, I become a little girl... So, I figure if I get a purdy one and name it and take care of it, I might be able to handle the tiny spiders!
I've actually only seen baby pink toes and they're jumpier than crested gecko babies! I didn't realize how big they get. I'm quite fond of rose hairs, but I see them a bit more often than pink toes.

Love that last pic of Tetra! What is the temperament like on those snakes?
I've actually only seen baby pink toes and they're jumpier than crested gecko babies! I didn't realize how big they get. I'm quite fond of rose hairs, but I see them a bit more often than pink toes.

Love that last pic of Tetra! What is the temperament like on those snakes?

Tetra is the only asian vine snake that I have ever handled and she is a doll! Easiest snake to fall in love with. Never attempted a bite, never taken a defensive position. A very fragile snake, but she's great with being handled.
She is adorable. She looks so "exotic" compared to domestic corns! Tarantulas are the one animal my mom is definitely saying no to, which makes me mad because I have to get over that fear as well. I'm not usually scared of them, but I'm not comfortable with them!