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We are thinking about moving from Montana to Texas. The only problem is that neither my wife nor I have been there. Not even for a visit. Would someone who does live there please share some thoughts about the pros and cons of the Lone Star State? The Houston area is where we would most likely end up.
I have been to Houston a couple of times. I lived in and around Dallas for about 10 years, 10 years ago. When I was younger lets say. I LOVE IT. If it wasn't for my son, I would move back in a heart beat.

As far as Houston, the couple of times I was there, it seemed very very nice. ALOT of construction though. Roads and traffic was unreal.
Well I've never lived in Texas, but I have lived in Montana. Nothing against Texas it is a fine state, but if I lived in Montana nothing could make me leave and move to Texas :sidestep: susang
I'm a recent transplant. I lived in Illinois all my life and just moved down here in July. I love it down, but I'll refrain from making too many comments mostly because I'm too new to the state to have much to say. :rolleyes:
To be honest, the heat was the biggest adjustment from Illinois. Some days it's just not pleasant to be outside from July-September. It seems to be cooling off a tad lately. On the flip-side, it won't get as cold here in the winter.

However, I moved from one college town to another and I stick pretty close to campus being that I'm still going to school. That's probably a totally different type of experience than what you might have. Additionally, I'm very happy with my work situation as a grad student and with my living situation. Those two factors have gone a long way to helping me adjust and enjoy myself...and the fact that I'm comfortable being 1000 miles from "home".

I love Texas!Well I can tell you that the heat is a killer,you have to have air con to live.It depends were you live were the traffic is bad, to I want to kill myself.I-10 is getting better but still bad, 290 is on its way for construction in about a year or two.I live in Katy outside of Houston and love it its on the west side,I had lived in Missouri city again outside Houston on the southside did not like it much, to much crazy going on down their and Katy has the best schools in Houston(if you have kids).The great thing about Texas is you can spend 4 years running around and still have allot to see in Texas :cool:Example I go every year to Rio freio were you can float down river with a six pack in the water and its like its been in the ice box all day.I hope this helps you out feel free to ask me anything you need on info or whatever.
I lived in DFW area for 5 years. Grapevine to be exact. It wasn't a bad place to live, but I was raised a country boy and just couldn't get used to city life. The Dallas/ Ft Worth metroplex is basically 1 big city of 6 or 7 million people. I was used to driving from town to town where you leave town drive a ways and enter the next town. It's not like that in DFW you go through a traffic light and your in the next town or city. I enjoyed the folks there and the job I did there but in the end wanted my country life again. And like the others mentioned it is an aircondition society from June-September, you go from airconditioned house to airconditioned car to airconditioned office and back.