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Hi all my baby corn finally ate last night after about 7 weeks without food and I dont think ive ever been as chuffed in my life lol. Id tried everything except live cos they are near impossible to get where I live, tried leaving him over night in a small container, scenting with various things braining , heads only, bodys only he just turned away everytime and I was really worrying cos he is so skinny only weighs 5 grams and he is about 2 1/2 - 3 months old. So last night I got some pinks from a different shop dipped in tuna and dipped its head in boiling water put it down in front of him and he took it straight away, poor lil guy seemed to struggle a bit it took and 10 mins to eat but its still in there now bout half way down his body so I guess its probs gunna stay in there.

Do you think the pinks from my old supplier are the problem? I must say the pinks from the new shop do look more appertising lol.

I will also add that I bumped his temp up to about 88 from 85 a few days ago, do you think that had something to do with it?

Thanks to everyon who has posted in my previous threads
I have seen other people mention that supplier may have something to do with a snake's pickiness in eating. I can't go on personal experience though, because my snakes are pretty much piggies that chomp whatever's put in front of them ;)
Maybe they are the prob I will try again in a few days with one of the new pinks hopefully wont have anymore problems now and he can start gaining some weight, think I will just throw the old pinkies out.
Isnt it just :) if he eats on the next attempt I will start handling him and can hopefully get some pics on here.
I'd give him more than 3-4 days before the next feeding. maybe 5-6?? I know you want him to eat up after his long fast, but you also DO NOT want a regurge of any meals either, and feeding too soon afterwards can contribute to a regurge.

The temp boost could have contributed to his wanting to eat, my adults are kept at 83-86 and they do just fine. My 3 mo old seems to need it warmer 87-89 for him to want to do anything beyond sitting on his heat source. I believe (jump in and correct me if I am wrong guys) the consensus is that going over 90 can be dangerous to your snake.
Thanks for advise farmgirl I will leave him longer then cos I dont want a regurg do you think I will be ok to start handleing a few days after the next feed?
I think that you should let him get 2 more meals before you start handling him regularly. It's just a matter of opinion on when to start handling finicky eaters. I leave mine alone until they get going :) Five minutes at a time here and there couldn't hurt though! I have one little baby corn from June who hasn't eaten yet (I've been force feeding pinky bits and I gave him an ASF rat tail last week) I have avoided handling him until he gets going. Glad yours got a meal in him though!