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Thank You, Vern


New member
Vern was euthanized today. She had another prolapse yesterday. I brought her to the vet today and we agreed that this was the best thing we could do for her now. We don't know what caused the repeated prolapses, but continuing to to put her through the trauma of stitching her cloaca partially closed didn't feel like the right thing to do for her. So I bid her farewell, with my deepest apologies. I'll miss those doe-like eyes.

Thank you, Vern, for introducing us to a new species to learn to care for and with which to spend part of our journey together, and a whole community of people who feel the same way. Seven months was far too short.
RIP Vern, as we discussed you know it was for the better, little baby didn't deserve to suffer anymore.
I'm Sorry Bruce.
This is so sad :awcrap: I teared up as I read this. She was such a trooper.

I am sure it was a tough decision, but you did the right thing, Bruce.

R.I.P. Vern You will be missed by many
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I'm not one to say "my snake liked me" or "we bonded," but at least to me it was clear that the building blocks for a crude relationship were present. It was obvious that she recognized me, knew me as the provider of food, felt a degree of comfort with me and built up a level of trust (I'm sure I tested that mightily with all the medication and shots, though!). She expressed emotions of fear and anger (for a wee snake, she cold make an impressively flat head) and I responded accordingly. A very low level of communication for sure, but communication none the less.

We shared a struggle for survival, her stakes being much higher, of course, and in the end, we lost that struggle. While I can't say that she was sure that I was on 'her side' in that struggle, at least to me it was clear that she responded differently to me than to others. I guess that's all I could have hoped for, and she gave it. She was no different than any other normal hatchling, but to me she was the cutest little critter. My little baby.

Thanks to all of you who gave encouragement the last few months. And thank you for your condolences now. In the grand scheme of things, her loss isn't so big, but given our struggle together and all the hopes I had for her for a recovery and prosperous adulthood, it is terribly dissapointing that in the end I could do nothing to help her.
Awww I'm so sorry to hear this. You did the right thing even though it was a hard choice to make.
Feel better soon.
I'm really sorry to hear this. RIP, Vern. Poor little thing.

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality,
never fully understanding the necessary plan."

Irving Townsend
Sorry to hear the news. And as for the bonding, I'm one who definitely believes that it is possible on some level. More so with some snakes than others, but I have seen indications that these animals can be a little more intune than some give them credit for.
I saw this headline and my heart sank. I just knew.....
I'm so sorry Bruce.
It's so hard to lose your first, but after only 7 months it's really awful.
RIP Vern
Doze in the sun at the Rainbow Bridge and meet Bruce when he crosses someday.
Thats rough, Sorry to hear it Bruce. Atleast she's not going through anymore hardship now, You did the best thing for her - and that's what makes a caring and responsible owner.

I agree with what you said about there being a "bond" between you and vern, I know they're not social animals but i believe they are enviromentaly aware, and you are part of her enviroment so see no reason why she wouldn't recognise and come to feel safe around you.

Hope it doesn't get you too down, Will raise a pint in her memory tonight for you, Bruce!.
I am so sorry to hear this Bruce.

It is absolutly heartbreaking to lose an animal, but chosing to put her out of her misery was the best decision you could have made.

RIP wee lass, you were well loved.
I'm so sorry for your loss, it must have been such a tough decision and you did the right thing. She introduced you to the good and the sad parts of keeping snakes all at once. I am glad you have a few others, not that they can replace her, but having them is a bit of a comfort.
Oh Bruce, I'm so sorry to hear this! I thought she was making good progress, but under the circumstances I think you made the right decision.

RIP Vern, you will be sadly missed!

Best wishes,
:( So sorry to hear this. You did the right thing, even if it was incredibly difficult.
I just saw this post. I am soooo sorry Bruce. You did the right thing though. RIP little Vern. I know what you mean about bonding. My little snow corn and I have that. He isn't the best looking or most expensive of my corns but his personality outstrips the others by far. Feel better soon. *Big Teddy Bear Hugs*