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Thanks for helping with my Petco problem.

Frank the snake

New member
Right down the street from my house is a big shopping area. Recently, I went there for a few errands. I went to the video store to return a movie and was walking across the street to the Petco to pick up some mouse food when I received an important phone call. I didn't enter the Petco while I was still on my phone, so I was walking around the building, while waiting for my call to end. I get around the building and see a snake right in the middle of the sidewalk, laying there limp. It just happened to be a very young, female, albino cornsnake.

I took it home, gave it a nice warm place and fed it a newborn pinkie the next day. She quickly bounced back to life, but now I see she has mites.

Thank you all for your info on treating mites!
I am sure Ethel will be in tip-top shape in no time.
How cool is that...not the mites, but the snake right there on the sidewalk- these things never happen to me.lol
Oooh, sounds like the little baby got lucky--escaped Petco AND ran into a responsible keeper!

Congrats on the find (and save), good luck with the mites, and get us some pics! =)