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Procrastinate Now!
Hi! My name is Stephanie...and I'm an alcoholic. (not really of course) I've been lurking around this forum for a good while now and haven't ever posted anything. Mostly do to the fact that any question I have ever had has already been answered. So I just wanted to thank everybody here because you have, unknowingly, taught me a lot.

Anywho, so I started researching corn snakes about 8 months ago and finally got enough money to buy one. Her name is Freya (which I have found to be a very common name here) and she is an Okeetee. But since I don't have any real proof of her heritage, we'll just call her Okeetee-ish. I've had her for 5 days now, and about 5 minutes ago I got her out for the first time to feed her. As expected, she was very flighty, but didn't try to bite at all. I am extremely happy to report that once I introduced the mouse to her she was not hesitant at all to gulp it down. Now I'm just waiting to put her back to digest. So again, I just wanted to thank everybody here. :cheers:

i only (finally) got my snake a couple weeks ago, and I also have everybody on this forum to thank for answering every question I ever had. It's a pretty excellent place.

I was SO ridiculously excited for the first couple days after bringing my snake home-
heck, who am I kidding, I'm still excited every time I see her out exploring, or eating, or sheddin, or anything... i even get all smiley when i just pas her tank, and she's nowhere to be seen.

Once your wee snakelet is done digesting we'd all love to see pictures.
I'm ridiculously excited too! She yawned the first day I got her and I thought that was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. But I'm waay more excited that she ate. Now onto more waiting. I never noticed how impatient I am before I got her. Two days seems like forever! And the five days that I waited to feed her was pure torture.

I've already gone picture crazy, but with a disposable cam (the only other cam I have is a cell phone) so I've got to get those developed and scanned and I'll definitely post them here.
Glad to hear everything's going well with your new baby.

You know what I love- my adult corn, Maizey, is in the kitchen- so she knows what's going on all the time. It's so cool to come home, or get up in the morning, or whatever, and see her come out from her hide to greet me. She _always_ comes out, except when she is blue.

mudvaynechic75110 said:
As expected, she was very flighty, but didn't try to bite at all. :cheers:

Hi Stephanie. Glad to have you aboard. I bought my baby three weeks ago. Wait to yours does bite you. It's the funniest thing ever. It does NOT hurt. My little one, Gaia, open up and bit a finger knuckle, the lower jaw on one side and the upper jaw on the other - almost 1/2 inch apart. I thought it was amazing that such a little head could open up so much.

Anyway, Welcome. :wavey:
Nanci said:
You know what I love- my adult corn, Maizey, is in the kitchen- so she knows what's going on all the time. It's so cool to come home, or get up in the morning, or whatever, and see her come out from her hide to greet me. She _always_ comes out, except when she is blue.

Freyah does the same thing! She's in my room and whenever I wake up she pokes her little head out of the aspen, (she never uses her hides...oh well) looks at me for a few seconds then slowly burrows back under. Haha speak of the little devil, I just looked over to see her staring at me.

suecornish said:
Hi Stephanie. Glad to have you aboard. I bought my baby three weeks ago. Wait to yours does bite you. It's the funniest thing ever. It does NOT hurt. My little one, Gaia, open up and bit a finger knuckle, the lower jaw on one side and the upper jaw on the other - almost 1/2 inch apart. I thought it was amazing that such a little head could open up so much.

Anyway, Welcome.

I'm not too scared of her biting me at all. I've been bit by a friend's little ball python and didn't feel a thing, so I know that being bit by a corn won't hurt. Although, her moving that fast last night did give me a little fright. I picked her up in the middle of her body and I swear in about half a second I was holding on to her tail. lol Those little buggers are fast!

Thanks for the warm welcomes everybody!
Glad to have you aboard! Sounds like everything is working out great with your new cornsnake. We would definately love to see pics sometime. And I too am one who still gets all excited when around my snakes, even a year after the purchase of my first one (I am now up to 21). Just watch out because it does become quite addicting to add more snakes to the collection!
ArpeggioAngel said:
Glad to have you aboard! Sounds like everything is working out great with your new cornsnake. We would definately love to see pics sometime. And I too am one who still gets all excited when around my snakes, even a year after the purchase of my first one (I am now up to 21). Just watch out because it does become quite addicting to add more snakes to the collection!

It's only been 6 days and I'm already starting to think about what I would have to sell to get an MBK. :grin01: The general chit chat is definitely not helping!

It will be a few days before I can upload any pics. I took them with a crappy disposable cam, and I've still got to take a few more before I can get them developed...which should be no problem at all.

suecornish said:
Fast enough to get a speeding ticket. :crazy02:

Fast enough to get dropped on her little noggin if I'm not careful! She's already gonna have brain damage with all the falls she's taken. See, I have a lid that goes around the outside of the viv, so there's that little lip where a lid that goes on the inside would rest. Well, she climbs up there at least 5 times a day and always tries to get down where there's nothing to climb onto. So I'm pretty used to hearing *splash* or *thud*. It still makes me gasp when I actually see[/] her fall. But she just looks around as if to make sure nobody saw that and then goes along her merry way trying to climb the walls again.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I got one of those plastic branches that you put in a parrot's cage. Gaia got mad at me when I did the mite treatment bath and she stayed up there for two days. Every time I would get her and put her on the floor of her tank she would crawl right back up there.

Right now she thinks she's hiding in a toilet paper roll I wedged between the branch and wall. :rofl:
Yeah, no matter how many times she falls she gets right back up there. Determined little thing she is! Right now she is obsessed with the new plastic leaves I put in two corners of her viv. She doesn't bother using her other 3 hides...but she likes those random piles of leaves. :shrugs: