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Thanksgiving Dinner


New member
My kids are eating their Thanksgiving dinner with their Grandma and Dad. I always encourage them to spend holidays with her as she is getting old and lives in a nursing home.

I'm deciding what to do that Friday when they will have a Thanksgiving lunch with me. I like turkey and all, but they will have just gorged themselves on turkey the day before. I'm thinking of taking them to Pappas restaurant for Texas BBQ but I'm still thinking about it. I may go ahead and make a few pies as there seem to be plenty of pecans around in the stores this year.

Do y'all have traditional Thanksgiving meals, or just cook something special, or what do you do?
We spend it with my mother, father, brother, and sister in-law, who live in town. We cook, and don't let them. If they cook, it's stressful for everyone and the food gets burned. So, they pay for groceries and we are the chefs. Fun for everyone, and even relaxing for me, because I really enjoy cooking.

This year the chefs have decided we'd like to try making duck. Also, I want my gravy on rice instead of mashed potatoes because I learned last Christmas that I liked it better that way.
We eat at my aunts. My parents, grandparents, sister, Tara and I go. Everyone brings something (I usually bring pie) and my aunt cooks the big things. The guys (and me) watch football in the living room while the ladies cook. Good times. :dancer:
The guys (and me) watch football in the living room while the ladies cook. Good times. :dancer:
Ooooooo. I always HATED that when I was growing up. It steamed me so much that the guys sat around while the women worked! Now that I am a grown up woman and enjoy both cooking and hanging out with women and don't really enjoy watching football, I don't always mind it so much when it breaks down like that. But you can be sure that I expect the guys to clean up when it DOES break down like that!!! ;)
Definitely a honey baked ham.
Take one ham. Cut off all (or almost all) fat and skin. Score skin for 1x1 inch squares all over. At each cross section, add a clove. COAT with honey. One full sized ham requires approximately one 3lb honey bottle. Bake and baste as usual. While ham is baking, make a glaze with regular yellow mustard, brown sugar, and a tiny bit of pineapple juice. Mixture should be consistency of a thick paste. In the last 20 minutes of baking, coat ham with glaze instead of basting. Pin in pineapple rings using the cloves if desired for decoration and taste. Carve, and NOM.
Definitely a honey baked ham.
Take one ham. Cut off all (or almost all) fat and skin. Score skin for 1x1 inch squares all over. At each cross section, add a clove. COAT with honey. One full sized ham requires approximately one 3lb honey bottle. Bake and baste as usual. While ham is baking, make a glaze with regular yellow mustard, brown sugar, and a tiny bit of pineapple juice. Mixture should be consistency of a thick paste. In the last 20 minutes of baking, coat ham with glaze instead of basting. Pin in pineapple rings using the cloves if desired for decoration and taste. Carve, and NOM.

Mmmmmmmmmmm that sounds WONDERFUL!
We do "traditional" Thanksgiving meals. Lots of fun. Sometimes I cook the turkey, sometimes my wife does. I don't know who's doing it this year, but we'll see!

I LOVE ham the way Robbie described. Scrumptious!
We usually go to my sisters and have the traditional turkey, dressing, mashed potatos, sweet potatos and green bean cassarole. This year we are going up north to my brothers on friday. He lives about 3 hours away, we'll leave around 8 in the morning and come back that night probably about 10. It'll be a long day,but will be nice to see my brother and his family again.
Ya wanna know the absolutely hilarious thing? I can make that ham, but I won't eat it. I'm one of the worlds pickiest eaters. The fact that I've lived this long is just insane because of how little I actually eat. Everyone jokes that I'm going to have a heart attack by the time I'm 24 because all I eat is junk food. :roflmao:
Ya wanna know the absolutely hilarious thing? I can make that ham, but I won't eat it. I'm one of the worlds pickiest eaters. The fact that I've lived this long is just insane because of how little I actually eat. Everyone jokes that I'm going to have a heart attack by the time I'm 24 because all I eat is junk food. :roflmao:

Well, Robbie, if you want, you could bake the ham, cool it and then ship it to me so we can reheat it and enjoy!!! Hey, if my snakes can eat food that has been "on ice" while shipping, I can enjoy a good ham the same way!!!!

DYK - As for family... my brother lives right across the street on our compound... so I'll get over there sometime during the holiday. Hopefully, my other brother will make it down here (without the kids though - :( ) for Thanksgiving...

DYK - My Mom & Dad... I never know what their plans are.
Well, Robbie, if you want, you could bake the ham, cool it and then ship it to me so we can reheat it and enjoy!!! Hey, if my snakes can eat food that has been "on ice" while shipping, I can enjoy a good ham the same way!!!!

DYK - As for family... my brother lives right across the street on our compound... so I'll get over there sometime during the holiday. Hopefully, my other brother will make it down here (without the kids though - :( ) for Thanksgiving...

DYK - My Mom & Dad... I never know what their plans are.

Sounds like a plan! :D
We live right next door to my parents, not always a good thing. :nope: Any way, I have a huge roaster and start cooking the turkey the night before. I also make the pumpkin pies and green beans(add in bacon and onions-mmmm). My mom makes home made sweetpotatoes with marshmellows, mashed potatoes, gravy and fresh stuffing. Then it's a tall glass of southern sweet tea to wash it all down with. Yummmy!

Definitely a honey baked ham.
Take one ham. Cut off all (or almost all) fat and skin. Score skin for 1x1 inch squares all over. At each cross section, add a clove. COAT with honey. One full sized ham requires approximately one 3lb honey bottle. Bake and baste as usual. While ham is baking, make a glaze with regular yellow mustard, brown sugar, and a tiny bit of pineapple juice. Mixture should be consistency of a thick paste. In the last 20 minutes of baking, coat ham with glaze instead of basting. Pin in pineapple rings using the cloves if desired for decoration and taste. Carve, and NOM.

Robbie that sounds wonderful. I would take ham over turkey any day. Did you know that instead of wasting all that time you can also use a 2 liter bottle of Coke, not Pepsi because it doesn't work the same. The soda has enough stuff in it to make one heck of a glaze. :)
That's what paper plates and aluminum cans are for.

Not the guys fault that the ladies insist on eating off of "nice stuff" for holidays. ;)

Any time I've had guys grilling, they tend to quaff large quantities of beer. By the time the food is eaen they are in no condition to be let loose in a kitchen.
Any time I've had guys grilling, they tend to quaff large quantities of beer. By the time the food is eaen they are in no condition to be let loose in a kitchen.

I always quaff large quantities of alcohol when I cook, whether it be on the grill or in the kitchen. This is why all of my dinner parties are served in courses. I am never focused enough to deal with making sure different things are ready to eat at the same time. The only reason I can do it at Thanksgiving is that I have a co-chef and we have lots of other people around to whom we can delegate chores in the last few minutes of cooking. :)