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The craziest classic I ve ever seen...


New member
He is called The Doc and was caputred in Berlin Weissensee in a Park...I´ve got him from an animals shelter or better reptile shelter in Berlin....

His behavior is really funny: He is rattling with his tail if anything happens he don´t like, he is also hissing when everyone gets to closed to his head...amazing :rolleyes:

Think his a classic , could be some emori in but don´t know....any suggestions ????





Thanks...I really like him....

And he was also called Miami, in a german forum , perhaps dark miami...hehe

But I don´t know either if it could be...
Gotta se him live! I live next to Sigi and I saw him in reality... He's a tough boy...
Even I can not tell what Morph he is... seem to me like a little bit of everything...

Best guess...Miami het Caramel? (If that's even possible... :shrugs: ) Don't really know, he sure looks interesting though...
Compared to Carol's Miamis, every Miami is a normal.

Hey, they have Abbott's Okeetees. Why not a Huddleston Miami?

(send the royalties to P.O. Box....) ;)
