they look good and healthy - I might be needing some advice soon...
Just got off the phone to possibly buy a amel/ghost pair that apparently just decided to mate - so by friday I could have two new snakes one of which will possibly be gravid or at least well on her way to it..
Owner said they've had two clutches and seems to think she managed to kill both of them - mentioned that they seemed to dip after about 8 weeks? From what shes said they were healthy clutches - eggs were white/cream and regular in shape...
Im planning - if they breed - to keep them in a warm airing cupboard when they're laid which should provide the heat no problem - its just a matter of humidity etc isnt it?
Dont know whether I am up to this - and also not entirely sure I am not being fed a line by this person...
Now you have to wait some more Becky!
Hoping for all stripes at the very least!! Besides the normals. :cheers:
If the eggs started to dip after 8 weeks that means they were about to hatch. Eggs incubate for about 60 days, give or take. Most of the time when they are about to hatch they get dimples, almost like it's deflating. That's just the babies absorbing the last of the yolk in the egg.
If you can keep the temp between 76-84 degrees and the humidity around 90% they should be just fine.