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The Expo is coming! The Expo is coming!

What should I get to breed with my charcoal? My Miami? My Normal Ball python?
Will the incubators be on sale?
They better not run out of digital thermometers again.
How much should I spend?
How much will I spend?
How many snakes can I actually handle?
How many can I make fit in my house?
Do my chances of finding a husband decrease or increase exponentially with each snake?
Why is this more exciting than Christmas?

Okay seriously. I have a male charcoal (go-go)? How do I create an all black corn snake with him when the time is right?

My Miami? Keep it real? I do love the colouring...
Oh Geeeezz!!
I would get a bloodred to go with your charcoal to make pewters with! Maybe you can find one that is het charcoal!

I would get another outstanding Miami to go with your Miami. Miami is selectively bred, not inheritable.

You can fit a lot in your house. Mrs. Insane One has 55 in a closet...

Who needs a husband when you can have snakes? (I had the furnace repair guy here last week- I kind of think he thought I was a crazy snake lady...)

No one has made an all-black cornsnake yet.

I would get a bloodred to go with your charcoal to make pewters with! Maybe you can find one that is het charcoal!

I would get another outstanding Miami to go with your Miami. Miami is selectively bred, not inheritable.

You can fit a lot in your house. Mrs. Insane One has 55 in a closet...

Who needs a husband when you can have snakes? (I had the furnace repair guy here last week- I kind of think he thought I was a crazy snake lady...)

No one has made an all-black cornsnake yet.


Ya! A blood red. Great idea! And a Miami for sure then.

55 eh? Wow. That's impressive! You must have to run a tight ship. Feed some each day?

I do find snakes super easy to take care. Even the ones on a bioactive substrate with real plants and stuff. Way more fun than cleaning the house!

You're/we're not crazy. Just....passionate....right? Did you read my "crochet and knitting thread? That seemed a little crazy and I hesitated to post it but I knew somehow I'd be accepted here:spinner:
If you want a solid black snake, get an MBK! They are the best black snake! Not very expensive, either.

Yes, I read the snake purse thread. I only spend five seconds washing dishes. I have two robot vacuum cleaners that vacuum on their own every day, and a robot floor washer. I can spend hours outside gardening and mowing and stuff- but I hate housework. And now I am saved from it!!

I just tried looking up "MBK snake" and only found one picture and all of the google links are not in English.

What's an MBK? Got a link? Sorry to be a bother.
Expos (and herp society meetings and herp conferences, etc) are a good place to FIND the right husband, lol! Why get a husband who doesn't like herps if it s your passion? My hubby worked for my partner and I when we ran a traveling herp exhibit back in the '70s. Been together ever since! When I was a teen and in my early 20s, I had friends who had spouses who barely tolerated their pets, and I knew I would rather be single if I couldn't find the right guy. I am so glad I found the perfect mate though. Look in the right places for the right guy, lol!

My motto - keep getting more snakes until you begin to think it might soon become a chore instead of fun. Then give a couple to a friend, and keep it below the "chore" number (if you went overboard before noticing you had too many). It is really easy to become overwhelmed because they are so addicting. But "the more, the merrier", up to that point!

Nanci - I always wanted one of those vacuum or floor washing robots, but figured they don't work as advertised. How well do yours work? How long have you had them?

Nanci - I always wanted one of those vacuum or floor washing robots, but figured they don't work as advertised. How well do yours work? How long have you had them?

Oh, Kathy...I thought the same way- how could they possibly work? But they do! There is a really good forum, http://www.roombareview.com But of course there's a catch. You have to take care of them or they will die. This means emptying the dust bin and shaking out the filter every time you use it. (One minute!) Once a week they need a thorough cleaning of taking out the two brushes and cleaning them with a special tool- mostly to remove hair and long carpet fibers and strings- and blowing out the whole robot to get dust out, and damp sponging it. 10 minutes. Otherwise, you set a schedule with a remote control, it vacuums once a day when you tell it and returns to its base to recharge, all by itself. I am going the route of buying cheap refurbished ones for $140 and hoping they last. I _think_ I got my first one in May. I've had to do one surgery on it to clean a sensor (easily found the instructions and a pictorial step-by-step on line) and rebuild the rubber strips with electric tape when they became worn. (You can buy new ones, too- there are several repair shops, also). I got my second vacuum robot free with the floor washing Scooba.

The Scooba is amazing. To get it ready, you put in its battery and put in cleaning solution and fill the clean tank with water. Then it cleans till the dirty tank is full/clean tank runs out- I guess about 45-60 minutes. It vacuums lightly, scrubs, squeegees and dries the floor. It plays a little song when it is done. The you empty out the dirty tank, rinse it out, remove a couple plastic parts and rinse them, remove the brush and rinse it, put the battery on the charger, and it's done. (5 minutes). I've had the Scooba less than a month. I fell in love with her on her second mission. With the Scooba, I went with second generation top of the line. (Probably why I got the free Roomba!)

They are very addicting. Many people find excuses to have several, some people have 10 or 20 or more. They collect them. They name them. (Mine are Pedro, Jane and Sylvia).

Every day I come home from work and my floors are spotless- no pigeon feathers, no snake aspen, no toad earth, no pine needles and oak leaves. The carpet is fluffy and has nice vacuum tracks! When I want to wash the kitchen floor, it only takes a minute to send Sylvia on her way. I wash the floor about three times a week. The floor feels like silk. I never, ever washed the floor before.

With the caveat that you are paying for cutting edge technology that doesn't have all the kinks worked out and is still under development/improvement, I highly recommend them.


The vacuum sounds like it could be more trouble than it is worth - I have 2 long haired cats! But maybe the floor washer could be good. I never wash my floor as often as I really should - such a pain! But maybe if I vacuum first, the Scooba could be worth it. I like the idea of not just swishing dirty water around on the floor like mops do.

I assume it figures out how to get around a room cluttered with lots of furniture and stuff? Do you have to program it, or does it just figure it out?

I will have to check out the link you gave.

No- seriously, the vacuum is worth it! There's a lady on the forum that has like five mastiffs or something- maybe worse.

It rarely gets trapped. It bumps into things and turns around. I decluttered a lot (which actually is nice!) and I pick up a couple desk chairs and a small table before I leave for work just to make their jobs easier. I wouldn't have to move the chairs except the charging base is under my desk, and the other charging base is blocked by a kitchen chair.

They have these virtual wall things to keep them away from stuff or out of or in specific areas. I have to use a virtual wall to keep Jane off the AC intake grate, and I have one under a low teak chest that Pedro gets stuck under. He bumps into it, turns around, and then his butt is just a fraction of an inch lower so it goes under the chest and gets stuck as he turns. He did it so many times I just put a virtual wall there. The virtual walls turn on when the vacuum turns on, and turn off when it turns off.

Nanci - Thanks for all the info!

Tracy - sorry for hijacking your thread. I just never knew anyone who used these things, so had to get more info. I will email Nanci or start a new thread if we need to discuss it more, so I don't continue to distract from your original post.

Nanci - Thanks for all the info!

Tracy - sorry for hijacking your thread. I just never knew anyone who used these things, so had to get more info. I will email Nanci or start a new thread if we need to discuss it more, so I don't continue to distract from your original post.


Actually, I am finding the organic nature of this thread rather interesting. Not a problem.

Expos (and herp society meetings and herp conferences, etc) are a good place to FIND the right husband, lol!

Hmmmm.... You know, I'm the festival coordinator for an Arts festival here in Toronto. Perhaps I can speak to the Expo team and see if we can't add a "Snake, Supper, n' Social Dance" onto the end of the day! LOL!! Or maybe we all here start a Reptile Relations forum "where those who love Herps find Love!"

But I digress...
On the finding a husband with having snakes topic...

Screen the men when you meet them. ;) One of the first things out of my mouth when my husband and I met was "I have a large collection of reptiles, they take up a good bit of my time and if you can't deal with that, there's the door."

Don't have to bother worrying about it during the dating phase of things...It's all right out there in the beginning. :D

BTW, Nanci...I need to get me a couple of those machines you recommended! I like the idea of not having to worry about vacuuming & washing the floor! :D
I know there used to be a "lonely hearts" club for herpers over on Fauna Classifieds - don't know if it is still there.

There was also an events section on Fauna for shows and other herp events. Haven't looked in a while, so don't know if it is still there. But I have seen the shows under the events section on kingsnake.com and know it is still there. I am sure there are probably lots of sites with herp events, but those are the ones I have looked at myself.

At some of the bigger shows, we (corn fanciers) have been getting together for a dinner on Sat. night. It has been a great success to get to meet the people in person who you have met on forums. Most of us are married - but not all! Great way to make friends!