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the funniest thing I have ever seen


New member
Hello! My yearling corn did the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. After having her out for her evening slither, I put her back and she began shedding. She rarely does this while we're awake, so I was watching her. I guess I jinxed her. Her shed began normally enough, from her snout and she began to circle her water dish, shedding as she went. Then, unfortunately things went awry. As she was shedding in a circle around her water dish, she happened to enter the beginning of her shed! There she was, shedding in her shed, so to speak! She looped around the inside of her shed and was still getting her tail end off. When that was finished she realized that she couldn't get out because her head ended up inside the tail end of her shed. (Imagine a snake stuck backwards, tail first, in their own shed.) I was staring at her in disbelief, as the end of her tail shed is on her head, I reached for my cheap digital camera, got off a picture (so I thought) and got her out. I had to rip the tail end of her shed off (damn, I was bringing it in to my class to show the kids the shed) so she could get out. When she did wrestle herself out of her own shed, she still had a piece stuck to her head! She sheepishly waited as I got the peice of shed off of her head, and she slithered into her hide. If only that darn camera worked! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this was very hard to explain. It would have been much easier with the picture.
LOL...I bet that she was super confused when she was back in her shed.

I mean you are very lucky as seeing a snake shed is not that usual already and seeing something like this is even rarer....I would think that it's a really lucky thing to see. Too bad that you couldn't get a picture of it or else it would of have been something great to show everyone!
One of my adult males did the exact same thing! He was sure disappointed when he got to the tail and couldn't turn around. I didn't have a digital camera at the time but I took some pics with a normal camera and figured if they came out well I could put them on disk. I'll have to get those developed soon.