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The rattler has not rattled!


Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag
I don't know if it justifies a new thread but I have to share my excitement with you all that have given me such good advice(s).
Yesterday was the first time that Freya did not rattle when I picked her up... whhoooo hoooooo....

ok, tonight just a tiny little rattle but stopped as soon as I held her to pick her up.... she is being so good!
junji98 said:
sorry for being naive but what is a rattle?

Corns will often rattle their tail when threatened much the same way a rattlesnake does. That way when their tail rattles up against leaves (or plastic, aspen, or glass in our cases) it serves as a good "STAY AWAY FROM ME" message to potential predators.
ok thanks for the info. i am not sure if i have noticed that behavior with rocky, but will check it out.

junji98 said:
ok thanks for the info. i am not sure if i have noticed that behavior with rocky, but will check it out.

If Rocky doesn't, that is good for you ;)
Congrats! I love it when they calm down. My MBK still poos on me half the time. I have found that if I make sure an approach him from the side and never put my hand over him, he is much more calm. Probably due to the fact that it is less like a predator?
johnbort2 said:
Congrats! I love it when they calm down. My MBK still poos on me half the time. I have found that if I make sure an approach him from the side and never put my hand over him, he is much more calm. Probably due to the fact that it is less like a predator?

You're exactly right-

Anything coming from above is simply interpreted to be a predator- especially with young corns not being acclimated to the feeding/handling/human care routine the only thing they have to go on is instinct.

Think of the angle of your hand as it enters a viv/cage/tub- it's rather close to that of a bird or larger animal coming in to take a bite, no? If you think about it then you'll see why it may be a bit scary for the small corns to have a hand appear above them and "swoop in".

Try picking up your animal or entering your viv at the opposite end and slowly moving your hand in the same plane as the snake before grasping it. This can sometimes overcome the handling anxiety younguns can feel at an intrusion into their space.

Hope it helps!
Thanks for the suggestions.
Yesterday I only got a very short and small rattle and as usual she calmed down within a couple of seconds. :)

It is getting better, slowly but surely ;)