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The Research Phase (my intro thread!)


Knowledge Crusader
Good day, I am a lurker. Figured I would make an intro post. I'm completely new to snakes but not new to the "exotic" pet scene (insofar as people consider "exotics" to be anything other than dogs and cats). I've kept a good number of rodents! I am a recent college graduate and still living at home, hence the inability to have a snake yet-- my father would never allow that in his house! But I've wanted a corn snake for a few years now.

So I've started this all-important phase in getting any pet: the research. My goal is to move out by the end of this year, and when I do I want to have a good understanding of how to care for an adorable corn snake. I am concerned about finding an apartment that will accept tenants with snakes, but I plan to ask upfront if the "No Pets" includes caged animals/reptiles. It's worth a shot, right? Fingers crossed.

There doesn't seem to be much interest in snakes in my area (upstate NY) but my favorite vet hospital has one vet who treats and will board snakes, and there are local pet supply shops. I guess I would be concerned with having one shipped from afar in the winter... but our winter last year was mild! I'll have to play this one by ear.
Good luck to finding a place that will allow snakes! I find it incredibly hard to rent a place that allows snakes.. I only found one apartment complex here that does o.o

Can't wait to see pics of your little one when you do finally get it!
Hello and welcome! Good luck with finding both a nice corn snake and a place to let you keep it!
Instead of asking if they accept "pets" or "snakes" I would ask if they accept "small, aquarium pets". That might get you in the door.
Yep! :laugh: I used to tell landlords I had aquariums! Which was true.
I second the 'aquarium pets' questions to landlords. I would suggest that while being as vague as you can about what's really in there, that you let them know your aquarium doesn't have waterworks or is full of water. I know some landlords don't allow fish tanks because they can leak and ruin things.
I was always afraid that would lead into "What kind of aquarium pets?" The way I figure it, they would sooner deny me snakes than guppies.
That's what I did with my landlord, when I moved in I had gerbils, and I asked if they were ok and she told me "any pets that are contained are fine, except rabbits and ferrets". I asked about snakes and she said no problem as long as I wasn't going to have a free roaming Burmese or something.
Good luck, I think there's an expo in upstate NY? Not sure when it is, but if you search for New York reptile expo, you should find it!
Thanks for all the welcomes/advice, guys. I will surely be moving out as soon as possible, I'm just waiting on some employment issues (my part-time job could become full-time pending some things).

Good luck, I think there's an expo in upstate NY? Not sure when it is, but if you search for New York reptile expo, you should find it!
Oh yeah, the one in White Plains. I actually thought it was past but I looked it up and saw that it's in November! So there's a chance that I could be moved out by then and might go to that one; otherwise, the next one is in January. I didn't realize they happened so often!
That's wonderful! If nothing else its good to go and meet up with some local breeders, get to know who's around. Make sure you check the BOI thread on faunaclassifieds as well (boi = board of inquiry) as sometimes some unsavory folk will be at the expos.