Dennis Gulla
New member
I have three females that have all laid their eggs over six weeks ago, however, all three are continuing to drop slugs (infertile eggs) to this day. None of them dropped any slugs the first couple of weeks after laying their clutch and they all were feeding normally. A few weeks ago they started refusing the food they were offered. I was puzzled as to why they did not want to eat, but did not think much of it. A day or two later, I would find one or two slugs in their cage. One or two would eat the next time they were offered food, one would not. Another week or two would go bye and I would continue to find a couple of slugs in each of their cages. Now again, I have two of these females refusing to eat. These two females laid 2 more slugs each this past Saturday and have refused food again. I have never experienced this before, seems as though every year brings a new challenge! I'm kind of at a loss as what to do next. I guess all I can do is to continue to offer them food and hope that they have passed the last of their slugs.