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Thermostat shopping

If you ever get more snakes in the future and expand the amount of racks, you may want to get one that can handle more wattage and has more outlets. The first rack I purchased came with a Ranco thermostat which is a lot nicer than alife and I believe costs a little less than the helix. I do have another rack which I purchased from somebody else that came with the alife one like in the picture, it works but I may replace it with something a little better. I have 20 adults in that rack, brumating ATM so it isn't an issue, but for me I am not going to trust $1000's worth of snakes on a piece of equipment that is under $30. What I will probably do is put the big rack on the ranco and use the alife on a hatchling rack next year..
I use Ranco thermostats. I've never had one go bad during use. I had one that was DOA at of the box once though. But it was promptly replaced by the supplier. With shipping they are less than $100. Google: ranco etc store. That will get you the website. Also Big Apple Herp sells a thermostat similar to the Alife unit. I use those as well.
When you think about the time and money invested in your snakes, $100 for a good thermostat is a drop in the bucket. Why spend all this money on snakes, tanks, effort to care for them, etc only to risk it all with a cheap thermostat?
When you think about the time and money invested in your snakes, $100 for a good thermostat is a drop in the bucket. Why spend all this money on snakes, tanks, effort to care for them, etc only to risk it all with a cheap thermostat?

I agree, some folks go cheap in areas they shouldn't. I see it all the time in pet stores. Parents getting little Jonny his first snake and freak out becuase the tank and accesories will cost more than the snake sometimes.
Ok, so you guys are all very convincing. I'm really looking into the DBS-1000 now. Just a couple of questions. Is there any benefit from ordering from Helix directly (I think I can save a few bucks ordering elsewhere). Also, why is there both a grounded and ungrounded version and what would I need?
Double Post

Also, let me describe my setup and see what you guys think. I have an 8 cage rack with 4" flexwatt (64W total) and 2 aquariums with their own UTHs. Will I be able to use the Helix for all 3? I'm not sure exactly how the thermostat works, but it seems that only the heating element that is being probed will be the right temperature. If I did plug all 3 heat sources into the Helix and probed the flexwatt, I'm thinking that the UTHs will possibly be too hot or too cool (whatever difference in temp they are without using a thermostat). If this is the case, then I'm not sure what to do because I definitely cannot afford more than one Helix.
You could order more 4" flexwatt and replace the UTH's with flexwatt pieces (you would have to wire them) so everything is being heated by the same kind of element. Otherwise I don't know if it would work.
After reading plenty of reviews I ordered the Helix from LLLreptile. Also grabbed a copy Kathy's book. Thanks for the responses.