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Thessaly, Ghost, Castiel, and Ruby


New member
I have to apologize in advance for the pretty low quality pics! I have a pretty great digital camera somewhere but I am not entirely sure where.

Anyways, I figured I would make a thread to showcase my guys instead of throwing out four separate threads.

Thessaly - Female, 2011 Hypomelanistic

Her first feeding at home. Now, she could eat two or three of those little pinkies without a problem.


I think her colors got a little washed out here. I don't have a very good setup for taking really good pictures but those whites are a little more yellowish. You can see Ghost in the corner there as well.


I took this picture today. It's hard to imagine how big she's gotten in just a few short months!


She has really beautiful brown eyes. I think one of the reasons why I am so enamored with corns is because they look like they have little googly eyes.

Ghost - Female, 2011 Ghost Vanishing Stripe

Ghost's first feeding. She was purchased along with her little 'sister', Thessaly. Her stripes are still pretty strong in this pic though she's a bit more yellow than she was because of the bad lighting.


I woke up one morning to see Ghost crawling around the edges of her cage, so I got my phone and she just curled up nice and perfect like that!


... and then she turned her head a little and posed some more.


Picture taken today. Her stripe has started to fade and I am not 100% sure if she is actually going blue or not - her eyes are already sort of a silvery blue to begin with so it's hard to tell at first, but when she's blue she's definitely blue. If she is about to shed, it'll be her third since we got her in October.


And a slightly older pic again. Ghost and Thessaly posing together as a heart or something. Thessaly is obviously going into shed, and Ghost had just come out.

Castiel - Male, 2011 Snow

This is surprisingly true to how he really looks. He's very pink and the white contrasts beautifully.


Compared to his big sisters, Cas is so small! I was surprised at how calm he was when I took this picture. He was extremely skittish when we first got him and he absolutely hated being held. Two weeks in, he's as gentle as can be.


Smooches! His eyes are really marvelous. I haven't been able to get a great shot of them but his irises look like they have a very thin darker pink border around them.

Ruby - Female, 2011 Bloodred

She is a very deep red with a mostly charcoal grey face and we fell in love with her the moment we saw her. The breeder told us he wasn't expecting her to survive as she was a very tiny little hatchling. However she ended up thriving and had been dubbed his "hero snake" because of it.


Posing together briefly. Ruby is still gets pretty anxious so I try not to handle her too much, and as such she doesn't give me very many opportunities to take pictures. You can see the contrast between the grey of her face and the dark red of the rest of her body here. I'm curious to see how that will pan out when she is bigger!
Gorgeous babies! I feel your pain on the picture taking thing... The flash on my camera is too powerful and the lighting in my house sucks. The absolute BEST is when it's sunny outside and I can take the snake(s) outside for pictures! So much better than indoor pics.

I have to ask... Do you normally have them housed together, or were they just together for pics? I'm sure you're already aware, but cohabbing corn snakes is a very bad thing. You can do a search here on the forum and find dozens of long and in-depth discussions/debates/arguments on the pro and cons of housing snakes together, so I won't go over it here.. But I do hope you'll read up on it and reconsider doing it.
That's one odd looking amel, with the dark saddle borders o.o

I'm still trying to learn all the lingo. I'm assuming you're talking about Thessaly? The breeder had her ID'ed as a hypomelanistic, however upon looking at some other photos from that Ians Vivarium site, I am beginning to think she is probably more strawberryish? I have no plans to breed so I haven't worried too much about it. At some point I have to dig through the genetics forum and learn more about it, though, it's pretty interesting if not a little bewildering.

Gorgeous babies! I feel your pain on the picture taking thing... The flash on my camera is too powerful and the lighting in my house sucks. The absolute BEST is when it's sunny outside and I can take the snake(s) outside for pictures! So much better than indoor pics.

I have to ask... Do you normally have them housed together, or were they just together for pics? I'm sure you're already aware, but cohabbing corn snakes is a very bad thing. You can do a search here on the forum and find dozens of long and in-depth discussions/debates/arguments on the pro and cons of housing snakes together, so I won't go over it here.. But I do hope you'll read up on it and reconsider doing it.

Thank you for the advice! I have read quite a lot about cohabbing and the risks here. We do currently have Ghost and Thessaly housed together with no problems (no mites, no regurges, healthy and fairly regular poops, no problems feeding, and obviously no cannibalism) but we are currently in the process of building some DIY vivs in order to separate them and give them more room to grow into (and boy are they growing!). Cas and Ruby are kept separate from each other plus from the other two because they are considerably smaller and I definitely do not doubt that they could easily become snacks.

Beautiful snakes you have. Thessaly is definitely a looker!

Aw thank you! She's my pride and joy. :) We were originally thinking about getting a rosy boa but Thessaly and the nice breeder we purchased her from won us over into the corn snake camp.
Maybe Isoldael miss read..? Thessaly definitely looks like a hypo to me.

I was won over to team corn snake myself... wanted to get a kingsnake when I first started shopping, but came home with a motley ghost corn instead. Definitely a good move in my opinion ;) Nothing against Rosy Boas, I love all snakes, but corns just have such cute faces!
Great to hear you're already on it! :)

Your babies really are cute. I keep having to go back and oogle Ghost. Soo freaking adorable!
Great looking group! Imho: Thessaly looks to be an ultramel okeettee.

Thank you! You might be right as well. Comparing the ultramel okeetees and hypomelanistics and so on, they all really look just about the same to me... @_@ I think I might post it in the morphs forum and see what other folks think. A belly shot might help but she just fed so I'm going to leave her alone for a few days.

Great to hear you're already on it! :)

Your babies really are cute. I keep having to go back and oogle Ghost. Soo freaking adorable!

Thank you for being understanding. I was a little worried that I might get ripped a new one but yeah, our decision mostly came from reading the MULTITUDES of threads here! I worry that they might take some time to adjust but in the end I expect they'll be a lot more comfortable.

Ghost would just as happily oogle you back! She loves checking people out. :) Nose tickles are not uncommon when she's out of her cage.


Ghost just came out of shed #3 a few days ago. Little by little, she had been developing these wonderful yellow bands on the sides of her belly. The little stripes directly behind her eyes seem to be getting a very slight rosy tint to them as well.



Thessaly is usually a few days behind Ghost and she's just started to fade a little bit. She did decide she would show off her pretty belly, though!


Castiel and Ruby just came out of shed within a day of Ghost, too. It was a little eerie finding their skins one morning before work! This was their first shed since we got them both. Cas looks just slightly less pink than he did before. I really like the little asymmetrical mark he has in his head.




Ruby still doesn't like to sit still so it was hard getting any pictures, but a little patience and persistence paid off. Once she's in your hands, she's in full explorer mode!