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Think my cornsnake is a albino?


New member
Hi Everybody,
I'm a very new cornsnake owner. Did some research before I bought her but obviously not enough. Love her dearly and she is so darn cute! She's pink and white and has red eyes. I have set up an appointment with the vet for next week to have her checked out to verify if she is blind. Is there anything special I should do for her if she is? She's just a baby but her tail goes to a tip very quickly and isn't broad like I've seen of the males.

Since she is a baby I can't tell if she's either a daredevil and likes trying to dive bomb off the couch or she can't see that she's dangling. (Don't worry she only did it once, I haven't let her do it again.) I make her curl her tail around one of my fingers and hold her when she goes peering off the side.

I have found out that snakes can't see very well anyways and rely on their hearing so is that what this could be too?

When I feed her Thursday for the first time, what can I do special in-case she is blind so that she knows she is being fed and won't expect it everytime I take her out of the cage? Or lay her in a container when cleaning her cage? Maybe lay papertowls in the tupperware container, so she feels that and relates to the papertowl as feeding time? I bought a couple of pinkys and will feed her 1 every week.

Any tid bits and information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
She is such a good natured baby that I want to help her stay this way and not get upset or not understand. Or me do something wrong and make her not so good natured. :cry:

Thanks and take care,
First thing I'd do is save my money and cancel the vet appointment. Unless you know something you're not telling us, her eyes are probably fine.

The fact that she's got pink eyes tells us that she's most likely got some amel blood, but without pics, can't tell exactly what else she's got.

Feeding is as simple as thawing a pinky and giving it to her. I'd put her in a deli cup seperate from her viv and let her be for awhile. Chances are she'll eat just fine.

Welcome to the forum!
Am I understanding you think because your snake is albino with red eyes it is blind. No I have amel (albinos) with red eyes and they are not blind. The actions you describe dive bombing and hanging on your fingers is typical for young snakes, they are more wiggley than big snakes and the reason they curl around your fingers is for security. Also I believe snakes are deaf as we think of sound they feel vibration . So I agree save vet visit. As far as feeding put the frozen thawed pink in a small tub with her sometimes it takes them a bit to find it, I usually put the pink in first and then aim the snake toward it, be prepared for the hit as they will ususally hit and coil again with tail around your fingers just gently slide tail off cover the tub and let it eat.

I tend to agree with both Danny and Susan, save the vet fees. I cannot
believe that your snake is blind, does the eye colouration look clear or does it maybe have some opaque or whitish discolouration which causes you to
think of blindness.

Just my 2c worth.

Hehehehe I am almost 100% sure your snake isn't blind! lol

The things you have described sounds like pretty normal cornsnake behaviour to me! lol "Dive-bombing" off the couch indicates that she is still nervous of you and trying to escape.

I've had some that try to kamikaze out of my hands (or off the couch) and some that cling so tightly to me, I struggle to get them off. :)

I am sure your baby is fine. :)
something the other folks forgot to mention, do not microwave to thaw frozen. warm water is fine. nukes leave hot spots and we have all been burned by a hot pocket.
Young ones are usually the more skiddish of snakes so you may not want to actually put her down on something....let her get used to wrapping around your fingers.....she wont feel like she has to take off then.

I have two amels with red eyes.......unless the eyes are cloudy, she isnt blind.
I would like to add that even if her eyes are cloudy, it isn't necessarily an indication that she is blind, just that she might be heading towards a shed. :)

Also, I feed my little guys every 5 days or so. But once a week is fine. :)
Hatchlings do sometimes take a bit to catch onto food when you first get them.. especially f/t. They catch on pretty quickly though, and once they've got on in my experience you don't have much to worry about! If you really want your snake to know "dinner is served" as soon as you put her in her tub get a sharp scissors and cut 3-4 slits down the food item's back.

Pink and white sounds like a snow to me. Something you must know Nicki.. we demand pictures. :wavey: Welcome to the site. Sounds like you did a decent amount of research. A lot of the learning comes from experience anyway, not reading. Just be sure to visit the forum often.