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Thinking about a new corn snake


New member
I really want a corn snake but my mom says that i might not be intrested in a month so she said if i'm still intrested in a moth I could have one. I don't want to wait a month. another problem is my parents won't help me at all. Can someone give me information on corn snakes or tell me how to convince my mom so I don't have to wait a month?
What type of information are you looking for?

If you can ask some specific questions we'd all have an easier time helping you out.
i wouldn't rush into buying one right away. while they are rather easy to take care of, it's best to know all you can before you actually bring one home.

i (as well as most others) suggest picking up the corn snake manual by kathy love. you can get it from her website (www.cornutopia.com), amazon.com, or through most local pet stores. that book has everything you would ever need to know (and more!!) about corn snake care.

welcome to the forums!
your supreme knowledge of corn snake husbandry might impress her enough to let you have one.....
Hehe, good luck with that one... I never was able to convince my mom to let me bring a snake in the house - had to wait until I moved out. Anyway, you could let her know that they are fairly clean and don't require as much care as many other pets. It might be an alright idea to wait out the month though. It would give you more time to firm up your knowledge and (most importantly, lol) pick out the morph you want. I've been debating for about a month as to what color my next corn should be, and I still haven't made a firm decision.

Also, there is currently a similar thread running on this topic:

Good Luck!
I would always suggest getting an Okeetee or Rev. Okeetee as far as morphs go. As far as waiting a month, I think it's a good idea. I decided that I wanted a corn two months before I actually got my first one. After that, it was nothing but e-mails to and from Don, more research on corns than I had already done, and the hard choice of which morph I wanted. Back then though, there weren't as many morphs to choose from, so it was a little easier. I would suggest taking this month to do more research on corns. Also, take this time to save up some money so you can buy all of the basic supplies you'll need to take care of the corns.