If she has regurged, you must wait at least 10 days before offering ANY type of food again. I actually wait 14, if possible. Reason is that once they regurge, they don't usually have enough digestive juices left in order to process any food, so the regurges just keep happening over and over again, and if your snake is as weak as you say, this could very quickly become fatal.
Think of that gross yucky feeling you get when you've been sick and heaving your guts out all day, with nothing but bile coming up. I imagine that is sort of what it's like for the snake.
Waiting will definitely be your best bet, you don't want to overwhelm her digestive system, especially after being on such an adventure while lost!
Also it's possible that your snake shed somewhere in your house, and she could be going into another shed cycle. OR perhaps on her adventure she didn't have great access to water, and she is dehydrated. Maybe she has an entire layer of old shed stuck on her.
I'd leave her alone for awhile and see if her condition improves, then slowly start feeding her again, and very small meals.
I hope she recovers for you!