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This is Rusty,..not sure B or G?


New member
This is Rusty, not sure if it's a boy or a girl, so we named (him/her) Rusty. I was told that this is a Red Albino,...


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Rusty is no red albino (which is another name for "amelanistic"). An amel would have no dark pigment, and the eyes would be red or pink. He/she almost looks like a lava, but I'm not sure. He/she sure looks like one of the non-sunkissed hypos (hypoA, lava, or ultra). Good looking snake. :)

P.S. This thread should have gone in the "photo gallery" forum. It would have received better response there too.
Now that I see more than just your avatar I can tell he's not just an amel (I should have seen the eyes right away!). Glad you figured out how to get the pictures up.

I can't say any more than Dean, he's the expert!
I'm no expert either, but it looks A LOT like this picture of a christmas hypo...food for thought. :cheers:
oooo, yes very pretty. Whoever let that go as 'just an amel' was wrong, and you got a good catch!

You can't tell if it's a boy or girl just by looking - though some people can make an educated guess by looking at the tail area. To find out for sure, your snake needs to be probed (too old to be popped now). And it's not something I would ever do, as it has the potential to hurt your snake. If you really need to know, you might be able to find a vet who'll do it. Just make sure it's a reptile vet who know's how to do it and not a cat/dog vet who saw it done in a book once : /

here is the proccess

Or just pick a gender randomly to assign to rusty, if you're wrong it's not like s/he'll develop deep emotional scaring.
Actually guys, look at the picture right above the one where it appears this snake has black eyes. Those look like red eyes to me!

I suppose with flash it would be easier to get a false red than a false black for a pupil though. :shrugs:
GiantBlueberry said:
Actually guys, look at the picture right above the one where it appears this snake has black eyes. Those look like red eyes to me!

I suppose with flash it would be easier to get a false red than a false black for a pupil though. :shrugs:
In my opinion, lava is about the most extreme hypo. I own a young lava and I'm in temporary possession of an adult lava that belongs to Jeff Mohr. Their eyes look exactly like the O.P.'s snake's eyes-- approaching amel, but not quite. I'm not saying that it's definitely a lava, but I think that it's definitely a non-sunkissed hypo, and definitely not an amel.

I just found this picture on cornsnake.net This looks like mt Rusty, any reactions?..lol Looks almost just like him.


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A 'Sunglow' is a type of Amelanistic that has been selectively bred to attain a specific look. Basically an Amel with no white in the borders giving it a warm 'sunglow' look. Amel's are incapable of producing black pigment. Your snake has traces of 'melanin' or black pigment in the borders as well as the black iris'. So your snake isn't an Amel. I still think it's a hypo of some sort, and like others have stated, possibly a 'Lava'. :cheers:
Thanks again

Ok, thanks fizzle, and all of you who've help me through the waters of cornsnakedomeship. I'm still leaning about the types and breeds.
deaconbluess said:
I'm still leaning about the types and breeds.
Hey...I'm still learning too! Seems that every time I figure something out...I find more to learn. :bang:
Best thing to do, IMHO, is to take a good look at the FAQs here. Also, buy Kathy Love's "Cornsnakes: The Comprehensive Owner's Guide" and learn as much as possible!

Most importantly...Have fun! :cheers:
Roy Munson said:
...... snake's eyes-- approaching amel, but not quite. I'm not saying that it's definitely a lava, but I think that it's definitely a non-sunkissed hypo, and definitely not an amel.

This is exactly what I was thinking as well. The first picture shows a major reduction in black around the saddles but seems to be different then Hypo A would be expected to be. It looks like it has a more greenish tinge. The second picture of the belly has no black whatsoever and is almost a grey color and not the tans or browns that would be expected from Hypo A as well. With the addition of the dark reds and dark pupil the first morph that came to mind was Lava. I have never actually seen an Ultra but from the pictures I have seen and from the markers my Ultramel shows, Ultra is also different then Lava in determining the coloration or lack of coloration the snake possesses and this snake looks different then Ultra to me. If this is a Lava I would say you got a very good deal indeed. J.M.O.
Jay :cool:
Yea, those eyes kinda remind me a bit of my ultramel's eyes. In pictures they look very dark red, and from the sides black. There's something about that snake's borders too.
I keep looking back at this and wondering what the mystery hypo actually is. I'm leaning toward lava. The pattern and borders as well as the eyes (from what I've heard!! :grin01: ) look very lava-y to me.