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New member
So work is slowing down a little so I now have time to look at all the snakes. So I am rooting around the forum and internet and see all these amazing corns.. being on walters page is straight up dangerous.. I am full, I don't have room for more and I want more!!!!!!!! sighs. My wallet and floor space says no..
I think Steve Roylance is the worst enabler here. LOL
He posts pics of amazing babies several times a day!
How I managed to not get any from him this year is....oh, wait, I did! LOL
lol I can see that... and Im waiting to see your palmetto project too btw.. speaking of enablers.. I can't wait for the price to drop a little bit.. (a lot) if it ever will..
lol I can see that... and Im waiting to see your palmetto project too btw.. speaking of enablers.. I can't wait for the price to drop a little bit.. (a lot) if it ever will..

LOL! I will leave the advertising of the Palmetto project to Laura. It will be a fun project!

The price will come down. The fact that so many are being sold now, I expect to see the price to start coming down faster than what I originally thought, when Don was limiting the numbers being sold.
Yeah, I think the price is just too high to sustain much longer. I know there are plenty of people willing to pay a little extra for a palmetto though, so I don't see them dropping below $500 anytime soon. Plus the addition of new genes will raise the price vs. a normal palmetto, though probably not by much at that point unless it's a major alteration to the pattern or color.

But yeah, between Walter Smith, Steve Roylance, and some of Mitch Mulks' recent babies, I am going crazy not being able to buy more hatchlings! I want them all! And I've seen TWO adult strawberries for sale, a male and female! I NEED THEM. ARGH!

if they hit 500 my wallet is out.. I don't care.. 500 I can do.. GIVE ME PLEASE!!

I love watching everyones babies.. *dreaming and drooling*