Go Penguins!!!
BW77 thank you for sharing. I for one can never hear enough about our veterans, those that gave some and those that gave all. Thank you! (some of us got it)A true story about 19 marines killed on an island (defending against the Japanese). They had to retreat, so asked the islanders to please bury them for us. Years later, they checked and found a man who had been a teenager then and remembered where they were buried. They sent a C130 and an honor guard over there and found all 19 had been buried with their helmets on, their rifles in their hands, in perfect condition. The islanders had really done a wonderful job and had given them an heroes burial.
C-130 rolling down the strip. Airborne ranger on a one way trip.
Sorry, Army soldier here. Son is a Marine though. Burial ceremonies go way back into our history long before the written word. I must confess though, when I see a Marine in uniform... that is one sweet uniform. Beautiful soft song that just mellows you out listening to it. I don't really care what they are saying. Nice and soothing. Thanks for sharing.
Steph a wonderful video, thank you for reminding us how thankful we should be for the sacrifices of the military.
Why does it matter what branch of the armed forces you are??? The Marine uniform is sweet, huh??? Since military uniforms are symbols of sacrifice, I guess sweet doesn't come to mind. Mellow music again??? Yup the Halls of Montezuma always makes me calm and mellow.