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thrown up after 1 week


my baby corn ate a pinkie about a week ago and i knew it was having problems digesting it but about 3 hours ago it regurgitated it im worried i dont know what to do!
First thing to check is your temps in the cage. If its to cool the food will start to rot in the snake before the snake can digest it. Also if the food is to large it would also do the same. We could use more info about your setup, such as temps Warm side, cool side, Any hides if so is it on the cold side? Dont give up just give us some info to go on. Snakes age? I know you said baby but how many feedings has it had since born?
im not so sure on the temps my therm broke and havent had money but i have a 60 watt bulb on warm side and i do have a hide in the middle of the tank and the water dish on the cool side and on the age of the snake im not sure i think it was born in jan but not sure i bought it in feb might i add i was ignorant and bought it frm petco
Oh no, snakey puke!

Even though I'm new to corn keeping myself, a good idea would be to buy/make (even cardboard box would work) another hide, and to keep one on the cool side and the other on the warm side, just so your snake has the option if it wants to feel secure on either side it chooses, as well as to thermoregulate and adequately digest its meals.

Do you know what the ambient air temp. is in your house, more specifically the room your shnake is kept in?

Another good idea is to go get a digital thermometer with a probe; you can even get them for like seven or eight bucks from Wal Mart, and those work just fine.

Good luck on your shnakey!
I am at a loss here, the snake ate a week ago and now regurgitates when it should of been ready to be fed again. To me it would have to be one of maybe 3? things. Not being warm enough to digest its meal, Being handled constantly right after feeding (stress) or there is something medically wrong with the snake. I am no expert by any means but food not being digested after 1 week can only fit a few catagorys. Id call petco and see if they will do something. Just a thought. Certainly others will chime in with more experience than me on this. Just hang in there. Jimi
Are you positive it's a regurge, not a not so digested poo? I've heard of even five day regurges, but not a week. What does it look and smell like?

it actually smelled like puke and looked pinkish and brown....and yes i know for a fact it was regurgitated because it had the lump in his stomach for the entire week