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We just measured our snakes today and my 2 and a half year old duffy is measured in at 3ft. 2(female). While my year and a half old Mikey(the male) measured in at 2ft. 1. Duffy is pretty bulky but mike is still kind of skinny. Do you think they'll be ready for the next breading season? I'll try to get pics of them, but I'm not saying garauntee. I know it is hard without photo's too, but sorry.
Weight is more important than size...at least for females. The female is obviously long enough, but she'll need to be at least 300 grams. And when I say at least, I mean that it's probably better to be closer to 400 than 300. My females can lose almost 100 grams after laying. At 300 grams, losing that much can be critical. A 5-600 gram female can lose 100 and still be in pretty good shape. The males of course are not that critical, although a younger, smaller male may not have as viable a sperm as a larger older animal.
Yes I hav heard of that, my dad and I are going to look around at wallmart today for a scale. Maybe I can get there weight soon.


:-offtopic I've just noticed you've had that picture for a very long time now. It's a nice picture, it's just an observation.
Thank you! It's one of my Okeetees. Acatl to be precise :) Perhaps it is time to change it! If you buy a scale, get a digital one that weighs in grams and ounces. Most of us go by gram weights with snakes.
I got my new digital scales off ebay and saved a good bit on money. I already started my own thread to say about my shock when my male weighed in at 912g. The female was 492g so I'm pretty confident thats a good breeding weight now.
Double check your scale and make sure it's accurate. Placing a nickel on it will show if it's working right. It's exactly 5 grams. I don't know what the English equivalent will be though. 912 grams is very large. Even my Green tree pythons don't come close to that.
Its definetely working properly... and yes I did zero the container.. been through this on the other thread. But hes over 5 feet long, so I guess hes bound to be heavy.
I got my scale, it isn't digital and it works. Duffy weighs in at a wopping 310 grams.(well maybe not wopping)Mike on the other hand only weighs 80, he still has bulking up to do so hopefully within the next like 8 months they'll really fill out.

Maybe your digital has low battery or w/e it runs on?
Look people, my scales are fine!! Is it so hard to believe Jake is 819g? (And that was a day before he was due a feed and he'd had a big poop, so I bet hes even more than that now!) Its not that uncommon for corns to be this heavy is it? He doesn't seem fatty to me and has a great muscle tone.

Also there wouldn't be any problems with him being so much bigger thanher when it comes to the business?
Actually, it is unusual to have a corn that size. My male is probably close to 5ft now and not even 819, to say nothing of 912 grams that you listed in your first post. I have green tree pythons that are only 560 grams at well over 4 ft. and they are bulkier than cornsnakes-not a lot, but somewhat.
Sorry... he is 819, not 912, I have no idea why i posted that :shrugs: I wrote it down at the time, def 819. He is over 5 foot long, and the scales are definetely working, and I don't think he is fat. I posted a pic of him in the husbandry and basic care a couple days ago under my thread 'So i just got my new scales...'

He really doesn't seem fat to me, I've seen pics of much fatter corns. Why is he so big?
ohhhh ok that sounds a little more reasonable! I guess your right though, he could probobly have real nice musle tone.
819 for a snake over 5 ft. is within reason. How are you measuring him? With the herp widgets program?
No, I have heard of that though and would like to try... do you have a link? I have been measuring his sheds (I know they are bigger because they stretch when coming off) and measuring him himself with a flexitape...

Both these methods aren't very accurate though I guess, so he could be a bit bigger and he could be a bit smaller.
A little off topic, I have a Miami female ( was told Miamis are smaller then others )

She is 3 ft, 237 grams. Now she is a very nice weight right now, I'm afraid if I put to much weight on her to make her 300 grams she will be over weight and it may make her unhealthy!

I've been told multible times that the miami morph is smaller then your "normal" corn for instance. I have a female Ultramel, younger but larger then her.

She looks a nice plump weight, do you think the other x amount of grams is going to make her an unhealthy breeding weight, or should I try to get more weight on her?

Sorry guys, if this is way off. :uhoh:

Just thought I'd ask, what you thought.
Don't worry I started this thread and this is topic enough:). I don't really think in overweight for a snake unless your feeding like 4 mice to a snake 300 grams. That's a bit intense. I could see if you want to feed your snake more often, like twice a week that should be ok. Or maybe 2 mice every 1.5 weeks, something like that. Good luck with that, I think you'll be ok.
Alright, but do you think an under 300 gram Miami female would be alright to breed next year? :spinner:
Alright, but do you think an under 300 gram Miami female would be alright to breed next year? :spinner:

Wow sorry this is so late but it depends on how she grows. Do you feed her live? Does she have nice muscle tone? If you mean next year as in one year from now yes. You might have to wait for the middle/end of the breeding season depending how she grows.