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Tink - Tricolor Hognose (Nanci)


Digger, RN
Here's Tink, my yearling Tricolor Hoggie. She's been acting finicky lately, so excuse the lack of pizzazz... you get s hot of her on the carpet. Her original name was supposed to be Dhalia, but thats was when I was originally getting a high-black female. That female started refusing, so Jenea sent me her instead, and for some reason she screamed Tink (as in Tinkerbell). I'm not complaining. She's a sweetie :)

Well she was such a pig for so long that her refusing was unheard of. In the span of 3 weeks, she became the snake that got leftover pinks and fuzzies if anyone refused them. It just shocked me that she refused. Her appetite rivals that of Aria the MBK, who is an absolute glutton.

You know Nanci... these 2 are almost the same age... ;) Bow chicka bow wow :grin01:

Thanks for the comments! I'm so on love with these colorful little hoggies!
If you want to borrow Zee, just let me know! You're the one that's going to have a gazillion babies! He's definitely an....exciteable male!
I love Tink, Catherine! Great looking hoggie. Very kewl!

Just a question... Her red bands don't go all the way around his body?? It looks like they stop just before going to her underside.
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She's a beauty Catherine! I hope you can find another suitable male for her. Then you too can be a part of the multi-clutch madness that I'm now a part of. ;)