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To Kill a Mockingbird


New member
There is an alpha male mockingbird in my neighborhood that sings 24 hours a day.


It is almost 2 a.m. right now and he's outside singing his stupid little heart out. It is sooooo tempting to pick him off with my .410. It has the *perfect* spread to hit a mockingbird in the tree two houses down without shattering someone's window... :twoguns:

I hate mockingbirds and I never understood the title of that stupid book. I guess Harper Lee never lived next door to one. :shrugs:
Your best bet is to put a bowl of mealworms right next to your window.Mocking birds HATE mealworms and won't go anywhere near them.Good luck! :grin01:
I love both of those! I love this time of year when my mockingbird sings at night. And when I was coming into work this morning, at 6AM, I swear to God there was a mockingbird going through his whole repertoire, which included the whippoorwill! You can send them all to my house.

Jennifer, I feel your pain as we have the same problem.:cry: In fact ours started up at 11:30 last night and is still at it. His favorite place is a tree that is just outside our bedroom window. We started spraying the tree down when he started up and this used to keep him quiet the rest of the night. When we tried this last night, he just moved to a different tree. I guess we didn't actually get him wet this time. I suspect that when we get him he has to preen for quite sometime after. But ya, all night and it's not even a beautiful sound. He actually has every course of the car alarm sound perfected. You know the ones that change tone every 30 seconds? Ya... that's what he likes to mock. :eek1:
I have heard rumours that Alka-Seltzer works wonders for quieting pest birds. Of course...this is not based on experience...I swear! :sidestep:
Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
It gives me a thrill
To wake up in the morning to the mockingbird's trill
Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
There's peace and goodwill
You're welcome as the flowers on Mockin' Bird Hill

When the sun in the morning
Peeps over the hill,
And kisses the roses 'round my windowsill
Then my heart fills with gladness
When I hear the trill
Of the birds in the treetops on Mockin' Bird Hill

Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
It gives me a thrill
To wake up in the morning to the mockingbird's trill
Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
There's peace and goodwill
You're welcome as the flowers on Mockin' Bird Hill

When it's late in the evening,
I climb up the hill
And survey all my kingdom while everything's still
Only me and the sky -- and an old whippoorwill
Singin' songs in the twilight on Mockin' Bird Hill

Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
It gives me a thrill
To wake up in the morning to the mockingbird's trill
Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
There's peace and goodwill
You're welcome as the flowers on Mockin' Bird Hill

Tra-la-la, twiddly-dee-dee
There's peace and goodwill
You're welcome as the flowers on Mockin' Bird Hill
We have one near us that likes to imitate the cry of an Osprey. Every time I hear it I grab my camera and run out the door thinking I am going to get a shot of an Osprey - and instead - its that little mockingbird. Crazy little bugger!

I actually quite like them though. I guess it probably helps that I haven't had one keep me up all night!
Hawkin' said:
Your best bet is to put a bowl of mealworms right next to your window.Mocking birds HATE mealworms and won't go anywhere near them.Good luck! :grin01:

HA! I raise birds. I won't fall for that. :flames:
Paradox said:
Does the rice trick work on birds other than pigeons? :grin01: :sidestep:

Unfortunately, that doesn't work for any bird. It is an urban legend probably started by some minister who didn't want to get sued for slip-and-fall injuries related to walking on rice-covered sidewalks.

Dry rice won't harm a bird, no matter how many people *swear* their friend tried it and killed one. :rolleyes:

I still like the shotgun idea best. :grin01:
They make pretty comfortable earplugs these days . . . That's what I use when the neighbors leave their dog outside and it doesn't want to be outside.
I found this thread very funny.
Thanks for the laugh but I would rather have a singing mocking bird any day over a yelping dog.
Mockingbirds are the Florida state bird! I love them!! Love their viscious battles- love their fearless attacks on a whole murder of crows- love that little ballet dance they do when they are out hunting (run a few steps then stop, raise spread wings, repeat)- love that buzzing bees noise they make when something is by their nest- but most of all love the night singing.

I read To Kill a Mockingbird..I still hate that book to this day. I seriously can't stand it..Ugh!

Anyway, I've never actually seen a Mockingbird and have never been able to listen to them. I'm interested to see how they are.

I told my boyfriend I have my own little mockingbird. My little green cheek never wants to shutup. :rolleyes: But I like listening to him..Hehe. It'd probably be the same with a mockingbird.
Right, my pigeons coo a lot, too, but it's so low grade it isn't annoying. The cool thing about mockingbirds is they have all the mockingbird songs, plus other bird songs, plus whatever else they want to add in there, like the car alarm- and they put it all together in a really cool medley. You never know what they are going to sing next.

Carol mentioned the following...

He actually has every course of the car alarm sound perfected. You know the ones that change tone every 30 seconds? Ya... that's what he likes to mock.

And people wonder what it is about the desert I like.. No mocking birds... Carol, I do feel sorry for you with the darn little bird.. Dang.. Maybe you can take him ot to work? j/k......

Regards.. Tim of T and J
I've been thinking, no fantasizing about assassinating the one we have with a pellet gun. :twoguns: He chases off the bluebirds and everything else. The 2:00 am concerts aren't helping his cause either. If he did car alarms, he'd been gone long ago! Glad I'm not the only one...
Nanci said:
Right, my pigeons coo a lot, too, but it's so low grade it isn't annoying. The cool thing about mockingbirds is they have all the mockingbird songs, plus other bird songs, plus whatever else they want to add in there, like the car alarm- and they put it all together in a really cool medley. You never know what they are going to sing next.

It's just not so cool at 2am after it's already made you get 4 hours sleep a night for the past week. :grin01: