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Too Docile?


New member
Sorry to start another thread but just something that’s slightly bugging me, but from al the research Iv done (about two different books and countless online sources) suggest that new corns especially young ones take a while to adjust to handle, normally biting shaking tails etc or at the very least squirming to get away. Mine although squirming the first few times I picked her up has in that past 10 days more or less become completely conformable with handling. Although she squirms slightly when I take her out the viv she doesn’t try t get away and once of the Viv she curls up in my hands or around my arm for about 5 minutes before gently exploring. Has anyone else have corns that have adjusted handling this quickly? Is it normal? Iv searched the forums for a topic like this and all the results that have come up have seem to be the opposite problem with super nervous or aggressive snakes which has confused me and concerned me even more, she active all during the night and I think she feeding ok (theres a question of a possible slight regurge but it not certain) so I don’t think she ill . I believe the reptile shop I got her from used to handle their hatchling so perhaps this has something to do with it?

By the way I’m not complaining I have a extremely docile non nervous corn just wondering is it normal lol
It's normal. They all have very different personalities. Some are little biters as hatchlings, some are relaxed. He/she probably likes the warmth of your hand more than is afraid. :cheers:
Ditto, what Kimbyra said.

I have two (both girls, wonder if there's a possible gender-personality link?) that are quiet after the initial squirm and one (a boy) who barely waits for the lid to be off his tub before he tries to bolt out. The rest are fairly "normal" in their hatchling-ness.

Enjoy your current baby's calmness. Your next one may well be the "snake-from-hell." :)
Kitty said:
Ditto, what Kimbyra said.

I have two (both girls, wonder if there's a possible gender-personality link?) that are quiet after the initial squirm and one (a boy) who barely waits for the lid to be off his tub before he tries to bolt out. The rest are fairly "normal" in their hatchling-ness.

Enjoy your current baby's calmness. Your next one may well be the "snake-from-hell." :)

Nah, not gender related. I just received a male anery that is so mellow. He only posed in striking position once and that was when I first started settling him into his new home after taking him out of the deli-cup he was shipped it. Then I have a few females that are flighty as ever - they just don't like the thought of being held at all.

It's just each snake is different and each one responds differently to being held. If the snake is held regularly it usually ends up claming down, but sometimes they stay flighty and nervous. Just like some biters bite their entire life.

:cheers: Congrats on getting one of the calmer and easily handled critters! There doesn't really seem to be enough of them in this house! lol

From how you described your snake, Crazyewok, it sounds like you're describing mine, too. :) My lil'guy (I presume it to be as such, at least...; about 4 mos old?) used to try to zoom away from me when I'd attempt to pick him up & he'd be in consistent motion (not too fast, though) while in my hands...then, after about 3 weeks or so, voila: absolute sweetheart. Let's me pick him up, he'll just move as lazily as molasses in my hand, and then he'll "perch" -- just hang out & rest in my hand. Cute as a button. :) No problems with eating or digesting, temps perfectly fine, content as could be. I'd actually read that if everything generally goes well and with consistent handling during the ok times, that the snakes would *generally* mellow out...that's the reason why I wanted to start with a youngster, so I could really work on allowing him to let me hold him...and now, he's as social & curious as could be. :)

I'm beyond charmed. ;) (Aren't I supposed to be the one charming him??? Oh, well!)
My daughter's little ghost female would anchor around a bracelet then wrap around the wrist and just sit there. When she was older, she'd anchor around a bra/spaghetti/tank strap and lay across your shoulders while you read, typed, whatever.

My guy.... he's a zoom/zoom guy and at 5, I doubt that he's going to slow down any time soon.
My 'self' bred female hatchling is very mellow and did not an attempt to bite EVER! Another '06 male hatchling I bought still is a bastard after being with me for 2 months and regular handling; takes oof as a rocket when trying to pick him up, rattles in hand and even bites if you are lucky :rolleyes:
Severus has only been held once--twice if you count my putting him in his deli cup. And ye gods, he wasn't happy. I've been bitten...dozens of times now. But he was stressed and had a regurge, so I left him be, and now I'm a teensy bit paranoid about trying to pick him up again in case it starts another bad stress episode. *sighs* Anyway, he's sort of getting used to seeing me around. But there's nothing cuter than a biting, hissing, rattling baby snake.
I think she just has a sweet, chilled personality! lol

Definitely not gender related! My male Okeetee phase is a grumpy, irritatable old grouch, always has been, the tail rattling has stopped now though at least...

But my new little Anery Motley boy is super sweet! Lovely to handle, never strikes out or rattles his tail. Totally chilled! Do you think its an anery thing? I have heard many people say their aneries are nice natured and calmer than their other snakes...lol
i don't think its just anerys, i have a little sunglow who is calm as can be...at the place i got him(and my other corn and my BP) the guy said i could hold him as long i didn't mind being bit so i picked him up from him and all i gotfrom him were the four times he rattled his tail and thats was it, hes a nice sweet mellow boy. Now Terra(my normal) i held her for like a minute while the guy at the store went and got a deli cup to put her in...and my goodness she was wiggling and squirming with all her might to get away from me...and when i got her home she bit my mom then bit me and struck at me several times....i put her in her tub and left her alone for 10 days and poof! she calmer and a sweetie...she still cruises around my hands at 90 MPH but we're getting better...and somedays she'll act like Serg(my sunglow) and sit calmly perched on my hand and lazily flick her tongue....so i believe we're getting somewhere.
Sounds alot like my amel Rainoo though she loves exploring to much to perch for long, but I have never had a tail rattle, bite or even a real let me get away moment from her apart from if I have accidently startled her and even then thats not as fast as it could be.
Thx for the replies least I know nothing wrong. Well it nice to know I have a friendly snake.

Just to add to this she in blue now and instead of being irritable and aggressive she even more friendly! Took her out of her viv for a quick 2 minute check with no problems expect when I went to put her back she had wrapped her tail round my finger and refused to move for 15 minute! Only after 15minutes did she let go of me and allow me to attempt to put her back again (even then she wasn’t enthusiastic about it). Again this morning she did the same thing and to make it even more funny she would let go and do a bit of half hearted expiring, or try and get in a more comfortable position and as soon as she saw that she was headed back she then wrapped herself round my finger or arm. She repeated this 3 or 4 times before she let me put her back.

I may have got the only snake that gets soppy and sweet when about to shed :rolleyes:
lol my Rainoo is like that in shed as well, though she is not so bad about going back she has got used to the idea that when I put her near her viv she is meant to go back in now.
I must have a mellow one too!

I have had my baby amelonistic for a month and a half. I have see the same research and wondered myself. Selu has never tried to stike, hiss, or rattle his tail. He still doesn't seem like he wants to be picked up initially. He tries to get away, but once I have him, he is calm and does not seem to be breathing heavy or anything. Sometimes after I handle him, he doesn't seem to want to go back in his habitat. I am learning all about his personality. He likes his water slightly warm and likes it when it is fresh. I hold him over the water bowl everytime I put new water in so he can inspect. He usually gets a drink right away. I absolutely adore him! He is so sweet. :)