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Toulouse the corn master.


Erotic Bagle
Here's Toulouse, my little amel, being adorable. True, he's not doing anything terrifically cute (well, besides just sitting there, which is adorable in its own right) but I figured since I'm borrowing a semi-decent digital camera and these macro shots turned out well, I would share. ^^


You sure thats an amel, it kind of looks like a fire or something else? Don't get me wrong he looks fantastic, better than the regular amel. You have to post some pics as he progresses he looks so cool. Well once again keep us updated thanks for sharing.
Very pretty. He's an amel motley, right? I can't see his belly, but I'm guessing that he doesn't have belly checkers.
Nope no belly checkers. Just nice white ventral scales. ^_^

I was told he's a sunglow, and doing online research that's the closest approximation I've come to so far. I'm still learning about all the different morphs and variations so forgive me if I sound like a noob...'cause I am! ;)
I would say that he's a really gorgeous Sunglow motley!!! lol
He really is a beauty!!! And super cute too!!!

I think all little ones are cute though! Except my little male butter who escaped and gave me the fright of my life last night!!! Thank heavens we found him!!!