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travel, snakes, kid, cat, mice???


New member
I was posting earlier tonight when I had to run to the hospital. It turns out my husband was killed - so now I will be trying to drive from Fort Bragg NC to Palm Springs CA to live and I want to do this ASAP.

I have to 2 adult snakes which are settled and mellow, the yearling how is courios and a pig-I swear she would eat everyday if I gave her something. and the itty bitty one that should be a yearly size by now but has stayed just slightly larger than a hatchling-though she has 2 pinkies twice a week-I really think that she is some sort of drawf.

I don't plan on driving more than 7-9 hours a day. I do plan on having the A/C on all the way. I also want to stop along the way and so my 5 year old some sights--ie dino digs, and just can't think now.

I know when we stop-if we get to that I have to put the snakes in bags and then put them in my purse to smuggle in where ever we go and the cat in his carrier.

But what do I do for just plan driving-seems like any housing unit would cause a green house effect.

And being in the seat next to me might get a chill or an URI because of the A/C THAT WILL BE ON.
I have an extened cab truck with a full back seat if that helps

so what is the best way to transport them?
Or do i need to sell them 1st?

good i hope i'm tried enough to sleep now
i hate this friendless state-the only person i can turn to right now is my 1SG and she's got enough to deal with-we have 481 in our unit. the friends i do have here are all over in iraq or korea.

i have never felt so alone in my life as i do right now
I am SO sorry to hear about your husband. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

I've never transported one for that far, so I don't think I can be of much help. The main thing I can think of is to make sure the sun isn't shining directly on them.

You also may want to plan your stops at places you can stay for the night. That way, you can leave all of your pets at the hotel.
I am so sorry

I can be of no help to you in transporting the snakes, but I could also not not express my condolences for your loss. May God be with you during this terrible time.

I am very sorry for your loss.

For the snakes I would suggest keeping them in cloth sacs/pillow cases (knot the end and put a heavy duty rubber band around it too). You can then put these into a styrofoam-type cooler. Check on them occasionally to make sure they have adequate air, but otherwise the cooler should keep them insulated from the AC and from a warm car if you must leave them for a few minutes.

I hope this helps and I hope it might be some comfort that you are part of our little community here. I know everyone will be sending lots of positive thoughts/prayers your way.
Deepest Sympathies

I have no advice to offer you on the transport of your pets. I just wanted to offer you my condolences on your terrible loss. May you and your family find comfort in this difficult time.
First let me say how sorry for your loss I am.

Maybe someone on this forum lives near you and can keep your snakes for 2 weeks and then ship them to you when you get home. If you were here in Ohio I would certainly work something out with you.

May the Love of God surround you and guide you through this time of grief and transition.

Peace Paul

P.S. Come you guys I know we can make this happen!!
I'm so sorry to hear that! That's horrible!

I do have some limited experience traveling with my snake.
I'm a college student, and I go home on breaks and whatnot. If I go home for more than a few days, I always take my snake, just because my family likes seeing him, and I like having him with me.

I bought a little Sterilite container, it has a little handle on top, and two flaps on the side of the lids that lock it down. I used an awl to punch air holes all along the sides and top, and line it with paper towels. Usually now, I put his little cream cheese continer hideout in there too.
My drive is about 4 hours, so I don't need to be too concerned with water suply, since he can get it before and after. My snake seems to enjoy the drive, he always comes out and climbs all around the container.
I sit him on my pasenger seat, or on the floor in front of it. If it is really sunny that day, I'll try to cover up the enclosure, because I too woried about the greenhouse effect toasting him. I usually drive with the AC on.

I just did the drive today, and actually I was turning the AC on and off all the drive, without it I was too hot, with too cold. I figured for the drive if I was fairly comfy, it should be healthy enough for the snake for a few hours.....then he gets back to his own home.

Since yours is so much longer, I honestly don't know. People who take their snakes to reptile shows might have better ideas.

Hm.....maybe just buy some plastic storage bins like some people keep their snakes in all the time, and try to rig up a decent home for them. Obviously there will be issues with water spillage and temperature issues, but you might be able to get something sorta homey out of it.

Hope I was somewhat helpful.
thank you all so very much

i've gotten an idea now but it's still forming-but i would like to hear from some show travlers also

Thank you again
I'm verry sorry
I would stongly suggest seeking help from clergy or another counsaler. Grief is to much for most of us to handle on are own.
you might try shipping the snakes to a friend or relative if you decide to keep them. If you would like. I would be happy to take care of them for you while you tend to more inportant things and ship them to you when you are ready to care for them agian. I live in Md. so you would have to ship them to me first. I suspect thier is a hobbiest near you who would be willing to do the same.
So sorry for your loss. I live in Orange County, which is about 2 hours from Palm Springs area. I have two smaller vivs (one 10 gallon, one 20 gallon) currently not being used. If worse came to worse, you could ship them out to me and I could watch them until you make it here and then meet you half way or something. I know I am a stranger, but just a thought.
I am terribly sorry to hear of your loss. Having been married for almost a year now, I don't know how I could manage without my husband.

As for travelling, I recently carted a snake from Indiana to Montana (1800 miles). We drove all night the way up there, 24 hrs of straight driving. We spent a week up there with family and then cut south to Colorado where my friend lives who wanted the snake (another 14 hr drive). She had missed a feeding before we left and by the time we go to Colorado it was nearly 2 weeks past her feeding day. When we got there she ate with no problems and went straight into her hide in the new viv, and so far nothing bad I've heard yet.

We had ours packed in a critter keeper in the back seat of our car, wedged bewteen the cooler and the bird cage. We have tinted windows so direct sunlight wasn't a problem. She never really seemed to have minded the trip at all, and really seem excited when we drove through rain, as you could smell it.

As long as they're not sitting in direct sunlight and away from direct contact with an AC vent you should be ok. And when you stop for the night, make sure you cover them and sneak them into the hotel room. Our one hotel experience with snakes wasn't very friendly at all. You'd think we smuggled drugs or something in the room for all of the to-do they made about it.

Best of luck to you on your journey. If you need any more insight or support, we're all here for you.
Thank You to Everyone

Words can not express what I'd like to say to you all.
But YOU ALL did help me out over the initioal shock and anger and grief.
(Sorry about the spelling I don't do that well.)
My Mom is now here, and sissy is getting here on Thursday at 0600(AM).
The viewing is Wednesday night (tommorow) and the furneral is on Thrusday at 1400(PM).
I'm ok now family is finaly here-but I won't forget my "family" here.
again thank you
Red (Nancy)
1 thing

this is a website is for cornsnakes and why would we want to know about your husband sorry like... but why would u come on a website and tell any1 u have no respect at all. your not well at all women get help... :argue: your family can mind the snakes. jesus saying your husband died on a website about corns :angry01:
How very, very rude..

I believe that you started a whole issue a while back about how people were talking about other things besides corns on here. And on a corn snake forum, how dare they.

You just made me so mad I'm completely at a loss for words.


Who u mad with??? its her talking about her husband dieing that is stupid like... mad:angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :angry01: :argue:

You are UNBELIEVABLE!! Do you not care about other people at all??? Your posts are very rude and offending! Not to mention very hurtful!

Go crawl back into the hole you came from! I don't care if I ever see you on this forum again! And please don't EVER PM me again. I do NOT associate with the likes of you!
Rich I think this is one for the exit button, be rude to almost anyone but someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Death makes us vulnerable to the reality of the brief time we have here on earh to prepare for eternity. One of the reasons I so enjoy this site is because of the love shown to people in need and the discipline shown to those who can not control themselves. God's love will ease you in this time of grief and may that same love create transformation in all our lives.
Peace Paul
poshey22 has been banned from this site. I believe that some people just need to learn manners when in a public forum. Or at least know when to just keep their piehole shut.
Thank you Rich and those of you who spoke out. It is bad enough what she is going through, but in the midst of it all she was just looking for how to best care for her SNAKES while having her whole world turned upside down.