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Traveling with Frozen Feeders


New member
Hallo again all.

I just had a quick question about traveling with frozen feeders and keeping them that way. I am planning on picking up a supply of frozen pinkies and jumbo mice from a show that is about 2.5-3 hours drive from my home.

I was planning on putting them in a styrofoam cooler with some dry ice to help them stay frozen the duration of the trip home. Is there a better way to do this or is this the best bet to keep my frozen mice frozen?
Sounds good to me! I haven't had to do that, but that's how they get shipped, so a few hours should be no problem. Mine also get shipped in insulating packages, so you could see if you could find those too.
Ah I just found out the company I want to buy from gives customers insulated bags! How great is that!