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Tree Frogs!


New member
I've posted these pictures on other forums. But I figured I'd share them here too. I love my little leptopolis uluguruensis! They are just so dang cute!


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Very nice-I especially like that one with all the large spots. I'm guessing you have breeding plans for this species?
Yes, I do have breeding plans. They will most likely fail lol. I think there is only one documented case of these guys breeding in captivity. However they are not commonly kept and most people end up with males. It was very very hard to track down some females! So that could be why there haven't been many successful breeding attempts.
Super cute, good luck with breeding them, I'd love to see a progression thread on an amphibian!
I realized in my first post I spelled Leptopelis wrong lol.

Anyway, yesterday and the day before it rained heavily nonstop. One of my males started calling. He has called before. But never this long. He did it for at least a good hour. But I only took a small clip.

CUTE!!!! I love frogs, but have quite unfortunate luck with the amphibians.
I had a pair of african dwarfs in my betta's tank, and they would call every night. Not nearly as nice sounding as these guys. More like when you twist a mechanical pencil.
I would really like to get a video of my frogs calling. But as soon as they see me or hear me move towards their terrarium they shut up lol. For the past month I've been trying out my ninja moves trying to get at least a sound recording.

I got lucky this time because it was morning and the sun had just came up and the one was still calling. I was in bed and slowly grabbed my phone and recorded the sound.
So cool!!! It's definitely the start of frog breeding season here.

I like that word- uluguruensis.