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Trimming off some dead wood.

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
After reading a rather old, but lively thread, I really don't expect this site to ever come back to anything like it used to be, so I am in the process of pruning off a lot of dead wood to reduce the footprint this site takes up on my server.

I deleted all SPAM accounts that were only banned and still taking up space in the database.

Shortly I will be deleting all registered accounts that are more than 365 days old and have made ZERO posts since registering here. That will remove 12,476 inactive accounts. Yes, that will remove accounts that only have made private messages here, but my perspective of this is that since they have had no interest in participating publicly here, tough luck for them. Sorry, but there isn't any way for me to be able to exclude accounts containing just private messages from this purge of dead wood.

There may be other changes made as well. For instance I see a couple of forums that haven't had any new posts in months, so they might get consolidated into something else.

Probably will be other things that go under the scalpel as I look harder and more critically.

So just a FYI if you happen to notice that the site statistics will be changing drastically.
Yeah, I suppose so. But honestly, looking at the pitiful number of posts made here each day, this entire site is looking more and more like dead wood to me.

In a way I feel like I am just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Im kind of sad to come back after a few years and see how quiet these forums are now, and Rich z rearanging the chairs on the titanic. I don't see facebook as having the intelligent discussions and advice that this forum has.

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Im kind of sad to come back after a few years and see how quiet these forums are now, and Rich z rearanging the chairs on the titanic. I don't see facebook as having the intelligent discussions and advice that this forum has.

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Tapatalk

I agree! It is sad, for sure. Most of the facebook groups are abysmal in terms of helpful, or useful information.

Just signed up and sad to read this. I do not have Facebook and I 100% refuse to use their darn “forums”. I hope we see a resurgence but this isn’t the first forum I’ve been a part of that eventually goes dark.
The lack of participation and support has already cost people the Board of Inquiry forum. I took it down late last night. If that proves to be the death of FaunaClassifieds, then paying my monthly fees for my server will no longer make any sense to me. So all my sites will go away. At that point I will probably become a permanent lurker on the internet.
Looks like I came back just in time before this old acct got the axe LOL!
I will admit I was pretty excited to come back to the forum. Check out what’s new since I dropped off the face of the earth. But yea... it’s really quiet here compared to “the old days” :(