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Trixie regurged


New member
Was hoping to avoid this, but I found that Trixie regured sometime in the last 2 days. Found it last night and it was still very wet, so I suspect it was yesterday sometime. I had just moved her up to hoppers.

She weighed in at 62g on 3/28 and the hopper was 9g and only as big as she was wide. I checked on her, and she's also going blue, so that might have played a part.

So now I'll give her 10 days (or until she sheds, if that takes longer, but I doubt it will) and give her a small pinky and give her a week to digest that. Another pink and a week after that, then maybe back up to a small fuzzy.
Well, she's big and strong, so I wouldn't freak out yet...Don't forget the trick of cutting mice in half (or even thirds) and feeding both halves, as recommended by Kathy Love. I did the thirds/halves thing with Jasper and so far, so good.

Your plan sounds good, give the 10 days.

I have one that was 200g and gave me his first ever regurge 2 days after shedding. Your situation sounds similar. Without knowing for sure, I'd guess the timing around his shed may have contributed to this.

Now if I notice him him in blue, I wait to feed until after he sheds.
Sounds like you got it covered Bruce :) As Danny said with his guy in shed, it might be best to skip feeding this one for a while at shed time too, you don't want a repeat performance.

Good luck and best wishes,
I've got my fingers crossed for you Bruce and for Trixie. Here's hoping it's just one of those not a good time to eat things.