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Trouble feeding!!!


New member
Guys my new corn won't eat his pinkies. They are frozen. I did what the guy and the reptile shop said to do. Put them in warm water for 10-15 min and then move in front of the baby. And he will eat...except he isn't!!! :twohammer I've never had a baby before only full grown. Someone please tell me what I should do...
Maybe your scaring the baby moving the pinky in front of it. We only use the tease feeding method on non-feeder babies to try and get them to eat, I hope you weren't sold a baby that hasn't eat. I just put my hatchlings in a container with their pinky and leave them be just like I do with my older ones.
Try leaving the snake alone for about two days, and then make the cage as dark as possible, or just feed at night... Put the pinky in the cage and try not to move at all... If this is a new snake (to you)... Then, he/she is probably scared... When did you get him/her?
It is a hatchling that is about 1 and half months old. I got him from Underground Reptiles in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. You can google them. They are very imformative and have been there for a long time. Yes he had eaten 5 times before me getting him. I got on Youtube and looked at some vids. Saw a few and will try again in a few days. Remember that these are frozen pinkies not live. So time will tell. Thanks...
NO!!! Still wont even look at it! Thinking I might try to get a live pup and see if that works. Just not sure where to get a live one where I live!!! :confused:
This is what I would do. Heat the pink to HOT, not warm. 102F. It just takes a minute or so. I like the pinks to be wet, not dry. The snake will often start by drinking moisture from the pink and then go on to eat it.

Have a little container- no larger than a margerine dish- the deli cup the snake came in, if you have it. It has to have tiny air holes.

Feed in the late evening, when the snake is active.

Right before you put the pink in the container, heat it by running it under your hottest tap water for a few seconds. Cut 4-5 tiny slits down its head and back- just through the skin, with a little scissors. put the pink in the feeding container.

Get the snake, with a minimum of fuss place the snake in the cup, put the lid on securely, cover him up, in a dark area, leave him strictly alone for 30-60 minutes. If he hasn't eaten after that time, reheat the pink back up to HOT and replace it in with him, cover him up, leave him for 60 minutes. If he still doesn't feed, reheat one more time, put him in his cup, with the lid on, put that back in his viv, not over the heat, and leave him overnight.

Do not handle the snake at all until he has fed for you.
Thanks Nanci! I will try again this next week. I always do use the hottest tap water that I get. It's not warm nor hot kinda in between. Should I thaw it then run it under hot tap? Thanks for the help!
Just as something to keep in mind for the future, underground reptiles is not a very reputable place to get critters. Their name says it all.
Have you been there before? Wondering why you would say it? They have lots of animals, service seemed ok until they said they would call but never did!
This is my method I use.
A 1. Small deli cup. (often a hatchling wants to explore more than eat, confine it)
2. thaw the pinkie to hot(like Nanci mentioned)
3. leave it alone, or put the deli inside its enclosure, smells often discourage hatchlings, so being in a familar smelling area helps)
B. 1. brain the pinkie
repeat A2,3
C. 1. Leave the pinkie in the tank over night(on a plastic lid or paper plate to avoid substrate injestion)
D. 1. Live pinkie
Repeat A2,3
E. 1. add scents.... Put the pinkie in a plastic bag when thawing(so the scent doesnt wash off, or dip/rub lizard, tuna, chicken scent on it.
repeat A2,3
F. 1. B12....... Last resort, B12 can stimulate an appetite however, there are risks. 1 drop of B12 per large water dish. B12 is concentrated and high in citrus acid, it can burn the lining of your snakes stomach. Offer food 2 days after....

What is "possible"(may not actually have happened this way), is that you were sold a snake that was actually purchased by them from a wholesaler. Often( but not always) larger reptile dealer do this. They may have been lied to about the feedings. And only passed what information they were given to you. Again, just a thought.

I hope it eats for you soon, And dont give up. Every once in a while you have to work with the them until you figure out what, and how they like their meals prepared.
I am wondering if your baby is due for a shed cycle. Some snakes won't eat during that time till after a shed.
Not sure about the shed cycle as I've only had him for going on 3 weeks. He is very active at night and is very aware of any movement around his enclosure!
add scents.... Put the pinkie in a plastic bag when thawing(so the scent doesnt wash off, or dip/rub lizard, tuna, chicken scent on it.
@ Buzzard...good point! I just throw the pinkie in the water. Makes sense to try that! I will try again like Tuesday.
Success guys! I tried again last week with the frozen/ thawed with no luck. :shrugs: I called a local pet store to see if they carried live pinkies and the did. Got one. Put him and the pinkie in the container he came in. Just looked now and saw the tail hanging out of his mouth. It is a relief because he was looking very lethargic! Now he has a full belly and I have a place to get live pinkies.:dancer:
I had a few this year that started off eating live pinks but after a couple of feedings I warmed up a frozen (in a baggie) brained them and put them in a deli cup with the snake. My live eaters ate the f/t right up!

Good Luck! I'm glad the little one finally ate for you!
I take the warmed pinkie and pull back the skin on the top of the head. Then I poke my tweezers through the skull so all the juices are coming out... I know it sounds gross but the snakes love the smell.
Man I'm not sure I can do that. I love animals...all animals and it's hard enough feeding rodents to my snakes as it is! I'll just have to take your word for it. I have a pet rat named Ralphie that my adult female didn't eat. I've now had him for about 2 half years! So I'm a lil partial to the rodents as well.