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Trying to overcome fears with snakes


Modern Day Cowboy
I have always been sort of nervous around snakes, mainly because I dont want to be bitten.

I have recently bought a baby Butter Corn snake and I love her so much. Ive held her many times, but at times when she comes out of her hide to interact with me, I get sort of nervous with her. I know she wont bite me, because for the most part she runs from me.

So, my question is, does anyone have any advice for me on this subject matter? I just want to feel more comfortable with her, I dont want us both scared because that is no good.

Any advice?
I have a young Bubblegum who is scared to death of me! She has quite the display, rears up and then strikes out. But she can't latch on. Also, I have found that when you reach your hand in, do it confidently, don't hesitate, and pick her up around her middle, immediately put her in your hand.

However, I did have the experience of being bitten tonight trying to rescue another new corn, an '06 Candy Cane male who is quite a bit larger than her (see my post "Bad experience"). He latched onto me, and although it was a little stinging, it was not near as bad as I had feared. Like the experienced members of this forum say, just deal with it, don't jerk your hand away.

So far it sounds like everything is fine for you and I'm sure it will continue that way.

Good luck! :)
Good on you! :)

This may sound strange, but for me, what got me over my fear of being bitten was being bitten...it's just such a quick, painless experience I just thought, "What was I worried about?" As your snake is just a baby, really, there is nothing to worry about. You wouldn't even feel him. Look at the size of his head - how big could his teeth be?

For the record, I've bitten at least 5 times, by corns, kings, and a python. I can't say any of them really hurt or were really frightening. Best of luck with your little guy. :wavey:
Lynnea said:
I have a young Bubblegum who is scared to death of me! She has quite the display, rears up and then strikes out. But she can't latch on. Also, I have found that when you reach your hand in, do it confidently, don't hesitate, and pick her up around her middle, immediately put her in your hand.

However, I did have the experience of being bitten tonight trying to rescue another new corn, an '06 Candy Cane male who is quite a bit larger than her (see my post "Bad experience"). He latched onto me, and although it was a little stinging, it was not near as bad as I had feared. Like the experienced members of this forum say, just deal with it, don't jerk your hand away.

So far it sounds like everything is fine for you and I'm sure it will continue that way.

Good luck! :)

I agree, quick and confident and they usually won't strike. I say usually because I have been struck once, but fortunatley it was from a little guy and then he went to run.
Look, if I can stick my hand into the tank of an adult corn who wouldn't hesitate to kill me on the first given opportunity, you can pick up your baby. Most people don't want to admit that even the nicest snakes strike fear into us because most of us grew up being taught snakes are dangerous killing machines that belonged only in the wild or on the shoulders of professional wrestlers (go Jake!). I mean come on, they look evil and don't blink! How comfortable can we really be around someone who doesn't blink?

I think the key is confidence, a sense of humor, and a suit of armor made entirely out of bubble wrap. Have fun with your snake. Challenge it to a staring contest or a dance-off. Seriously though, it's natural to be scared of the unknown. The more time you spend with your snake, the more comfortable you'll both become. In no time you'll be posting pics of you and your snake on vacation together, riding bikes, walking along the beach, singing karaoke.....

I won't lie to you: a bite from an adult corn hurts a little. It's like being bitten by a rambunctious kitten. :grin01: A bite from a baby corn snake feels like nothing. I've read descriptions likening it to being lightly brushed by the hook-side of velcro, and I think that's a great description. Yeah, I know it can be startling, but you'll get over it.
I wonder if I could rent out Zee as a side job so people could feel what a small snake bite feels like, since he's pretty much guaranteed to bite...Velro hooks describes it _perfectly!_

Plissken said:
Good on you! :)

This may sound strange, but for me, what got me over my fear of being bitten was being bitten...it's just such a quick, painless experience I just thought, "What was I worried about?" As your snake is just a baby, really, there is nothing to worry about. You wouldn't even feel him. Look at the size of his head - how big could his teeth be?

For the record, I've bitten at least 5 times, by corns, kings, and a python. I can't say any of them really hurt or were really frightening. Best of luck with your little guy. :wavey:

Ironically enough, with as calm and docile as my snake hatchling is, I want her to bite...just once...so I can know what it feels like and not have to worry about it.

I got tagged a few years ago(actually...many years ago :rolleyes: ), by a red tail boa and it hurt pretty good and bled like a stuck pig. Ever since then, even though I absolutely love snakes, I can't deny the fact that I am afraid of being bitten. It doesn't hinder me in my ability to handle my snake or care for her, but a fear of being bitten is, I think, inbred into the human psyche...
If you _really_ want to know, let her get good and hungry, and then rub your hands with a mouse, and then go get her! (Most of my bites were feeding, or thought they were going to get fed, or hoped like heck they were going to get fed, bites.)

but a fear of being bitten is, I think, inbred into the human psyche...
I think that is right on the money...
I have been bit numerous times now by my little hatchlings. Doesn't hurt at all, but every time it happens it startles the crud out of me. There are a few I have that I know are going to strike and even though in my head I know it doesn't hurt...it still makes me a little anxious sticking my hand in to grab them up. I think they can sense my hesitation and it just makes them that much more prone to go ahead and strike. I do still pick them up so that they (hopefully) will come to realize that it doesn't prevent them from being handled.
Nanci said:
If you _really_ want to know, let her get good and hungry, and then rub your hands with a mouse, and then go get her! (Most of my bites were feeding, or thought they were going to get fed, or hoped like heck they were going to get fed, bites.)

No thanks. That's how I ended up getting tagged by the red tail. I was helping a friend of mine who owned a red tail and ball python. I took the BP out and fed it, and then went to grab the red tail without washing my hands. Stuck my hand in the cage and WHACK!!...caught me right in the webbing, with a full mouth of flesh, between the thumb and index finger. Top jaw on top, bottom jaw in the palm. Pretty nasty bite...I won't let that happen again, you can be sure...
My daughter has some nasty scars from a frightened boa named Jill. She never blamed the snake. Great bite marks on her bicep!


Seriously- Zee will bite you if you let him! Come on, it doesn't hurt. He doesn't even strike, just casually goes for it!
I was also kinda relieved in an odd sort of way to get bitten. Still have the little teeth marks, but no big deal. Baptism by fire or something.

I also breed show Pekingese. I bought one from England, and picked her up at the airport. I took her out of her crate, put a leash on her and carried her to a grass strip to relieve herself. Instead, she freaked out at being on a leash, so I lunged for her, fearing she would run off. Big mistake. In doing so, she freaked out even more, grabbed onto my hand and wouldn't let go until I literally pulled her off. Needless to say, I was quite shaken (and bleeding). Now, THAT was a nasty bite! When I got her home, I had to unscrew the top of the crate and take her out with leather gloves on. For about four days, she was in attack mode. Gradually, through patient handling, she realized I wasn't going to hurt her and she stopped. She was also pregnant at the time. I don't think it was whacked out hormones, she is just a hyper dog. That was a year ago. (She really is very sweet, still hyper, and hates our 12-year old daughter, Liana, who she knows fears her--it's a hate/hate relationship. My dogs are in their own dog room, so she can't chase Liana around the house. Anyone else who handles her is fine, as long as they show her no fear.)

So fear biting is just a natural thing... :shrugs:
The only snake I have that has ever bitten me is my king snake. I must have smelled of mouse because he grabbed on to my finger and wouldn't let go. It felt like a good pinch. What hurt more than the actual bite is that he constricted my finger until it turned purple. That was a bit uncomfortable.
tyflier said:
Ironically enough, with as calm and docile as my snake hatchling is, I want her to bite...just once...so I can know what it feels like and not have to worry about it.

That's how I felt when I got my first snake. The first snake that ever bit me was a baby ball python. I was more shocked that it had actually BIT me! Didn't hurt and barley bled. Now, I'll pick up just about anything. lol
If you are a rationally minded person and really don't feel like getting bitten by your snake just think of this everytime you go to handle

compare the size of a cornsnakes teeth to the size of a rabbit, or even a hamsters teeth. I have been bittenby both and can guarantee you that they hurt both like hell.

On the other hand, I just got a baby corn a couple weeks ago and got bit for the first time yesterday. And to tell you the truth, at first I wasn't even sure if i had been bitten.

So, just tell yourself next time that if you're not afraid of fuzzy little bunny rabbits, than you defineately have nothing to fear from a baby cornsnake.